11 One Minute Games For Kitty Party

Ultimate Fun With Balloons

Kitty Party One Minute Games. Kitty Parties is all about having fun together with some interesting games and gossips, may it be a ladies kitty party or a couple kitty party. The funny and exciting one minute games can make a kitty party more interesting and fun filled. Check out my list of 20 Kitty Party One Minute Games and have fun.

11 Kitty Party One Minute Games

1, Bang On Bananaone minute games

Bang on Banana is a fun party game to be played in your kitty party. This is a funny party game and is best suitable for the ladies kitty party of young age group. To play this kitty party game in your kitty party you have to do some homework as in to tie the bananas on string and to collect some big baskets. 

How To Play

2. Poke The Foxnutskitty party games for ladies

In this game you would need many foxnuts and toothpicks. If you have teams then call one member from each team to play this game or if you want you can also make the players play this game individually. I would always suggest to play the games in teams because diving the members in teams lessens your efforts and time and double the fun and laughter quotient in the kitty party.

How To Play

3. Handle The Carrot More-Handle The Carrot

This is an individual game and you can call all the players together to play this game. If you have divided the guests in teams, you can call one member from each team to play this party game.

How To Play 

4. Tie The Diaper Before Baby Peeskitty party one minute games

 This is one of the most hilarious kitty party one minute games I have ever played in any baby shower party. Trust me the laughter and fun quotient of your baby shower party with this game.

How To Play

5. Frozen Coinsfunny games for birthday party

The Frozen Coin is the best game for summer parties and you can also organize this game in your summer theme kitty parties. As the name suggests this game is all about ice and water, so it suits best to the pool theme kitty party or any outdoor party in summers.

How To Play 

6. Complete The SnowmanInteresting kitty party games

You need a Snowman sheet to play this game. You can download the sheet from HERE. This game is  to be played with dice. Download the sheet and give the dice to every member one by one. Every member will get 6 chance to roll the dice and they will then make the body party of Snowman according to the number they get on dice. 

How To Play 

7. Blindfold Shifting kitty party games with cotton

This is a one minute party game and the players will get the time limit of one minute to complete the task. You can play it as an individual game or also as a team game. If you have divided the kitty party members into teams you can call a member from each team to play this game or else call each member of kitty and let theplay the game. This is one of the simplest kitty party one minute games. 

How To Play 

 8. Hit The Orange Harderkitty party one minute games

This is one of the most kitty party one minute games and is a racing game in a way. You can call 4-5 guests at a time to play this game. Tie a ball with a stockings on the waist of each guest playing the game. Make sure that the ball is heavy and is hanging till floor. 

 9. Play With Cotton Balls baby shower games

This is a simple one minute game and can be played with all aged ladies. Even the middle aged ladies will enjoy this kitty party game. This is again a blindfold game and you can play it sitting on chair or standing as it suits you and your kitty party members.

How To Play 

10. Ultimate Fun With BalloonsUltimate Fun With Balloons

This is one of the most unique kitty party one minute games I have ever played. This is a game played with balloons and larger are the balloons more is the fun. This is an individual game and you have to call the members one by one to play this game.

How To Play 

11. Get Dressed Blindfoldblindfold bridal shower game

This is an ultimately funny game and is one of the best kitty party one minute party games. You do not need  to do much homework for this game. This is again an individual game and you need to call the members one by one to play this game.

How To Play 

These were the best 11 kitty party one minute games. These games will help you making your kitty party a great hit. All of these kitty party one minute games are hilarious and funny.

Do let me know if you liked these party games and ideas or not, also feel free to share your ideas below in the comment box.



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