10 Best Christmas Party Games For December Kitty Party

10 best christmas party games

Check out 10 best Christmas Party Games for December Kitty Party. It’s December almost and you might be looking for some interesting games for Christmas theme kitty party in this month.

10 Best Christmas Party Games 10 best christmas party games

1. Bouncing Mallows- Interesting Christmas Game for Kids and Adults

To play this game with kids in your Christmas party, divide them into pairs and make them sit across the playing table as shown in the image above. Give them around 20 small marshmallows and a plastic cup. One of the partners will hold the cup and other will keep the marshmallows. This is a minute to win it challenge and everyone will get one minute to complete the challenge. Click here to know more about the game.

2. Reindeeer Antler: One Minute Christmas Game

Divide the kids into pairs and give them a pantyhose and balloons each. One of the kids will blow the balloons and other will insert them into the pantyhose to make a ReindeerAntler. Make the kids wear those antlers in the end and do not forget to click their pictures  wearing these funny reindeer antlers. Click here to know more about the game

3. Christmas Gravity: Fun Christmas Game For Men

In this challenge, the men in the party were asked to pick the gift bags kept on the floor and arrange them line wise on a table kept at a certain distance. This is a minute to win it challenge and thus, the men will get only a minute to complete the challenge. You will need a few rolls of paper ribbons and many Christmas ornaments. This game is especially to be played with a daddy and the kid. Click here to know more about the game.

4. Daddy Christmas Tree: Fun Game For Family Christmas Party

Call the daddy and the kid to the playing area and give them the artifacts. Their challenge is to make a Christmas Tree with these items. The daddy will stand as a tree and the child has to decorate the tree with the green paper ribbon and other ornaments. This is however a one-minute party game but it won’t be easy for a kid to complete the challenge in a minute so let’s make it a 2 minute or 5 mins challenge. Click here to know more about the game

5. Hilarious Christmas Game For Kids

To play this game in your Christmas party, you may need  rolls of toilet paper, felt material cut into circles, a scarf, and hat/beanie etc. Keep the items in good numbers so that you can call 3-4 kids at a time to play the game.

This is a pair game and you first have ti divide kids into pairs to play this game. For adults we can keep it as a one-minute party game but kids won’t really be able to complete the challenge in a minute, so you can keep the time according to the age group of kids you have in your familyChristmas party. Click here to know more about the game

6. Prize in Bell: Funny One Minute Christmas Party Game

To play this game divide your kitty party members in two or three teams. Now call two members from each team to play this game. You have to do some homework for this game. You will need 7 big boxes and many jingle bells for this game. You can take the cardboard cartons. Put the bells in the boxes in a particular order. In one box you can put 5 bells, then 10, then 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 bells. This is a one-minute party game and players will get 60 seconds to complete the challengeClick here to know more about the game

7. Christmas Conveyor Belt

To play this game you may need big satin ribbon , few Christmas ball ornaments and a Christmas trees. You can take the dummy Christmas trees for this game. Call two members from each team and give the ribbon to tie between their bodies. Using this ribbon stretched between their bodies the players have to send a total of two Christmas ballornaments across the stage and then hang it back to the Christmas tree. Click here to know more about the game.

8. Nose Dive: Funny One Minute Christmas Party Game

This is one of the 10 Best Christmas Party Games. Keep the cotton balls in a bowl and also keep another empty bowl on a table. Call the player in the playing area and adjust your stopwatch to one minute. As the time starts the contestant has to start transfer the cotton balls from one bowl to the other one using their nose. For this, they have to apply the petroleum jelly on the tip of their nose as a transfer agent. Click here to know more about this game. 

9. Sticky Situation: Funny Party Game

In this challenge, the contestant must toss a ping pong ball and attempt to stick it on the piece of bread covered with the peanut butter. Get some pieces of bread and apply a coat of peanut butter on them. Place the bread on a table and call the player to the playing area. When the time starts, the player has to begin bouncing the ping pong balls towards the bread. He or she can bounce only one ball at a time. Click here to watch the game video.

10. Heads On Christmas Eve!!

The games goes like this. When all your kitty members or the party guests are arrived give them a white disposable plate and a sketch pen each. All the guests then have to keep the plate on their heads and the host will start saying the words related to Christmas. The members them will draw the things announced by the host. Know more about the game here. 


  1. Hi, shivangi
    It’s my daughters first birthday, so i am searching for sum party games.. plz send me sum. Wud also love if u can make me sum designer tambol tickets related to birthday…


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