Tambola Games : Karva Chauth Theme Tambola Game


Karva chauth tambola games . October 22rd is Karva Chauth and most of the Indian women will plan their kitty party this month as Karva Chauth Theme Kitty Party. I am getting many mails and messages from the Kitty Groups members to post a Karva Chauth Theme Tambola Game and so here I am with one story Karva chauth tambola games . You can copy this special tambola game story from  below.

karva chauth tambola story

Karva Chauth Theme Tambola Story In Hindi

बहुत समय पहले, लगभग 90 हजार साल पहले वीरवती के नाम से एक सुंदर राजकुमारी रहती थी। जब वह विवाह योग्य आयु 21 वर्ष की थी, तब वीरवती का विवाह 27 वर्ष के राजा से हुआ था। उसकी शादी में उसे अपने पिता से बहुत अधिक गहने मिले, जिसमें 37 बाजूबन्द, 46 कमर बन्द, 57 अंगूठियां, 67 पायल, 77 चूड़ियाँ, 56 हार और 66 झुमके शामिल थे।

शादी के बाद 1 करवा चौथ के अवसर पर, वह अपने माता-पिता के घर गई, जो 49 मील दूर था ”

उसका घर 52 कमरे, 24 गलियारे, 34 बाथरूम, 68 दरवाजे और 72 खिड़कियों के साथ बहुत बड़ा था। उसके पिता एक बड़े राजा थे और उनके महल में 15 बाग थे। उनकी सेना में 89 हजार सैनिक, 76 सौ पुरुष और नौकरानी और 39 से अधिक छोटे-बड़े पूल थे।

उनके पति का महल भी बड़ा था और उनके महल में 25 रसोइये थे जो हर रोज 44 से अधिक व्यंजन पकाते थे। राजा मक्खन का शौकीन था और उनका दूधवाला 42 किलोग्राम दूध लाता था जिसमें से रसोइए 28 किलोग्राम मक्खन बनाते थे। राजा को गोला-बारूद रखने का भी शौक था। उसके पास 41 हजार धनुष-बाण, 61 तलवारें और 71 अन्य हथियार थे। राजा के पास बड़ा बगीचा भी था जहाँ उसके पास 36 तोते, 37 गाय, 36 मोर और 48 कबूतर थे। राजा को पीछे के पालतू जानवरों से भी प्यार था और उसके पास 51 खरगोश, 53 बंदर, 55 कुत्ते और 60 कछुए थे।

10 दिनों के बाद जब रानी अपने माता-पिता के साथ थी, उसने 23 तारीख को एक कठिन उपवास मनाया। हालांकि, रानी बहुत नाजुक थी और उपवास की कठोरता को बर्दाश्त नहीं कर सकती थी। शाम 8 बजे तक, वीरवती। बहुत कमजोर, और बेहोश हो गई। अब, रानी के 7 भाई थे जो उसे बहुत प्यार करते थे। वे अपनी बहन की दुर्दशा को बर्दाश्त नहीं कर सकते थे और उसे धोखा देकर अपना उपवास समाप्त करने का फैसला किया। उन्होंने अपने 5 दोस्तों को ले लिया और पास में ही आग लगा दी। पहाड़ी ने 22 छड़ियों का उपयोग किया और अपनी बहन को चमक देखने के लिए कहा। उन्होंने उसे 4 बार बताया और उसे आश्वासन दिया कि यह चांदनी है और चूंकि चंद्रमा बढ़ गया था, वह 9 बजे की घड़ी में अपना उपवास तोड़ सकती थी। ” जबकि वास्तविक चंद्रमा 11 बजे आया था।

जैसे ही रानी ने खाना खाया, 3 लोगों ने आकर उसे खबर दी कि उसका पति, राजा, 33 साल की उम्र में मर गया था। रानी को दिल टूट गया था और वह अपने पति के महल में चली गई। उसका भाई 6 गाडिया लेकर उस्के साथ गय। जब वे 29 मील की यात्रा कर चुके थे, तो वह देवी पार्वती के साथ भगवान शिव और उनके 84 लोगों के समूह से मिलीं। देवी पार्वती ने 8 अंगूठियां, 12 हार और 2 पायल पहन रखी थीं। वह बहुत सुंदर लग रही थीं।

पार्वती जो अपने 14 नौकरानियों के साथ बैठी थी, ने उन्हें बताया कि राजा की मृत्यु हो गई है क्योंकि रानी ने एक झूठे चंद्रमा को देखकर अपना उपवास तोड़ा था। रानी बहुत रोई और उससे 13 बार माफी मांगी, तो देवी ने उसे वरदान दिया कि राजा को पुनर्जीवित किया जाएगा, लेकिन तीन सौ 65 दिनों तक बीमार रहेगा।

“जब रानी 26 और मील की यात्रा करते हुए महल में पहुंची, तो उसने पाया कि राजा अपने शरीर में 18 हज़ार सुइयों के साथ बेहोश पड़ा है। प्रत्येक दिन, रानी राजा के शरीर से लगभग 20 सुइया निकालती थी।  धीरे-धीरे 17 सौ बची फिर 16 सौ और इसी तरह रानी सुइयान निकाल्ती रही। अगले साल, 30 तारीख को करवा चौथ के दिन, केवल एक सुई अचेत राजा के शरीर में बची हुई थी। ”

रानी ने उस दिन एक कड़ा उपवास किया और 19 घंटे की प्रार्थना के बाद जब वह पूजा के लिए करवा खरीदने के लिए 38 मील दूर बाजार गई, तो उनकी 80 नौकरानियों में से एक ने राजा के शरीर से बची हुई सुई निकाल दी। राजा को होश आ गया। और उसने नौकरानी को अपनी रानी समझ लिय। जब असली रानी महल में कुछ मील पैदल चलकर और 32 मील की दूरी पर रथ में यात्रा करके लौटी, तो राजा ने उसे नौकरानी समझ कर रख लिया।

वीरवती ने बहुत सम्झाया, 36 घंटों तक दुःख का रोना रोती रही, लेकिन राजा नही माना। पर वह अपने विश्वास पर कायम थी और उसके बाकी 79 नौकरानियों और उसके 43 दोस्तों ने उसे सांत्वना दी। वह राजा के साथ अपने पुराने दिनों को याद करती थी जब वह उसके साथ 62 राज्यों में जाती थी और राजा उसे 87 से अधिक उपहार देते थे।

बार लगभग 50 दिनों के बाद जब राजा 63 मील दूर किसी अन्य राज्य में जा रहा था, उसने असली रानी (अब दासी बन गई) से पूछा कि क्या उसे कुच चाहिये। राजा ने कहा कि वह सब्के लिए 70 तोहफे लेकर आएंगे और और उन्मे से जो उसे पसन्द हो वो रख सक्ती है। राजा अपने 85 सैनिको के साथ अपने 82 दोस्तों से मिलने के लिए 40 राज्यों के दौरे पर जा रहा था।

रानी ने राजा से कहा कि वह दूसरों को 69 उपहार दे दे, लेकिन उसे सिर्फ़ एक गुड़िया की एक जोड़ी चाहिये। रानी रोती रही और गाना गाती रही- “रोली की गोली हो गई … गोली की रोली हो गई” गाना गाया, जिसका अर्थ है रानी एक दासी में बदल गई है और दासी रानी में बदल गई है। । कभी 74 बार ” इस गाने को 86 बार और किसी दिन 58 बार गाती थी


“राजा ने जब वो गाना सुना तो उस्से पूछ कि वह उस गीत को क्यों दोहराती रह्ती है तब वीरवती ने पूरी कहानी सुनाई। राजा को अपनी गलती क एह्सास हो गय और उस्ने वीरावती से माफ़ी मान्गी और उसे वापस रानी बन दिय। राजा ने रानी को 54 साड़ी उपहार में दीं।” 59 दुपट्टे, 64 लहंगे और 73 गहने उपहार के रूप में। राजा बहुत खुष था और उसने 83 घोड़े, 75 हाथी, 81 ऊँट खरीदे और 47 सौ हथियार और गोला-बारूद भी  खरीदे। कुछ 88 दिनो तक उनका जश्न मनाया गया और वो खुशी खुशी रह्ने लगे।

यह केवल रानी की भक्ति और उनका विश्वास था जिसने उनके पति का स्नेह और देवी पार्वती का आशीर्वाद जीता। ”

Karva Chauth Theme Tambola Story In English

A long long time ago, around 90 thousand years back there lived a beautiful princess by the name of Veeravati. When she was of the marriageable age 21, Veeravati was married to a king of 27 years. On her marriage she got too much jewelry pieces from her father which included 37 arm bands, 46 waist bands, 57 rings, 67 anklets, 77 bangles, 56 necklaces and 66 earrings.

On the occasion of the 1st Karva Chauth after her marriage, she went to her parents’ house which was 49 miles away”

Her house was very big with 52 rooms, 24 varandahs, 34 bathrooms, 68 doors and 72 windows. Her father was a big king and had 15 gardens in his palace. He had 89 thousand sainiks in his army, 76 hundred male and maid servants and over 39 small pools.

Her husband’s palace was also big and he had 25 cooks in his palace who cooked more than 44 dishes everyday. The king was fond of butter and their milkman used to bring 42 kgs milk from which the cooks make 28 kgs butter. The king was also fond of keeping ammunitions. He had 41 thousand bows-arrows, 61 swords, and 71 other arms. The king also had big garden where he had 36 parrots, 37 cows, 36 peacoks, and 48 pigeons. King also loved to rear pets and he had 51 rabbits, 53 monkeys, 55 dogs, and 60 turtles.

“After 10 days when the queen was with her parents on one sunrise, she observed a strict fast on date 23. However, the queen was too delicate and couldn’t stand the rigours of fasting. By evening 8 o’clock , Veeravati was too weak, and fainted. Now, the queen had 7 brothers who loved her dearly. They couldn’t stand the plight of their sister and decided to end her fast by deceiving her. They took their 5 friends and  made a fire at the nearby hill using 22 sticks and asked their sister to see the glow. They told her 4 times and assured her that it was the moonlight and since the moon had risen, she could break her fast at 9 o’ clock.” Whereas actual moon came at 11 o’clock.

“However, the moment the gullible queen ate her dinner, 3 men came and gave her the news that her husband, the king, was dead at the age of 33. The queen was heartbroken and rushed to her husband’s palace. Her brother took 6 vehicles to come along with her. On the way when they travelled 29 miles, she met Lord Shiva and his group of 84 people along with Goddess Parvati. Godess parvati was wearing 8 rings, 12 necklaces and 2 anklets. She was looking very beautiful.

Parvati who was sitting with her 14 maids informed her that the king had died because the queen had broken her fast by watching a false moon. However, when the queen cried many times and asked her for forgiveness around 13  times, the goddess granted her the boon that the king would be revived but would be ill for more than three hundred and 65 days.

“When the queen reached the palace travelling 26 more miles, she found the king lying unconscious with 18 hundreds of needles inserted in his body. Each day, the queen managed to remove around 20 or more needles from the king’s body. Slowly there were 17 hundred then 16 hundred and so on. Next year, on the day of Karva Chauth on date 30, only one needle remained embedded in the body of the unconscious king.”

“The queen observed a strict fast that day and after praying for 19 hours when she went to the market 38 miles away to buy the karva for the puja, one of her 80 maids removed the remaining needle from the king’s body. The king regained consciousness, and mistook the maid for his queen. When the real queen returned to the palace walking a few miles and traveling 32 miles in rath, she was made to serve as a maid.”

Veeravti then cried of sadness for 36 long hours, but she was true to her faith and her remaining 79 maids and her 43 friends consoled her. She used to remember her old days with king when she went with him to 62 states and king gave her more than 87 gifts.

She then religiously observed the Karva Chauth vrat . Once after around 50 days when the king was going to some other kingdom 63 miles away, he asked the real queen (now turned maid) if she wanted anything. He said he will be bringing 70 gifts for other and she can as what she wants. The king was going on tour to 40 states to meet his 82 friends with his 85 sainiks.

The queen said he can give 69 gifts to others but she needs a pair of identical dolls. The king obliged and the queen kept singing a song 74 times ” Roli ki Goli ho gayi… Goli ki Roli ho gayi ”  which means the queen has turned into a maid and the maid has turned into a queen.” Some day she used to sing this song 86 times and some day 58 times.

“On being asked by the king as to why did she keep repeating that song, Veeravati narrated the entire story. The king said sorry to veeravati and restored the queen to her royal status. They were happy again and king gifted the queen 54 sarees, 59 dupattas, 64 lehangs, and 73 jewelry items as gift and bought 83 horses, 75 elephants, 81 camels, and embellished with 47 hundred arms and ammunitions. They were not going out for 88 days.

It was only the queen’s devotion and her faith that won her husband’s affection and the blessings of Goddess Parvati.”

Karva chauth tambola games 


I have made this Karva chauth tambola games for karva chauth theme Kitty. Unlike the other tambola games you do not need to call out the numbers here. You will rather dictate the famous Karva Chauth story for this tambola game. I have actually amended the original karva chauth story a bit to suit best with tambola games. I didn’t mean to hurt anyone’s emotions by modifying this karva chauth story and it was just a small try to make a suitable tambola for karva chauth kitty party.

The Special Tambola Game story goes like this-

“A long long time ago, around 90 thousand years back there lived a beautiful princess by the name of Veeravati. When she was of the marriageable age 21, Veeravati was married to a king of 27 years. On her marriage she got too much jewelry pieces from her father which included 37 arm bands, 46 waist bands, 57 rings, 67 anklets, 77 bangles, 56 necklaces and 66 earrings.

On the occasion of the 1st Karva Chauth after her marriage, she went to her parents’ house which was 49 miles away”

You can see certain numbers here in the story. The dividends for this tambola game will be simple ones like three lines, early seven, corners and house. To bring more of theme suitability in the game you can sing the famous karva chauth song whenever a member gets a dividend. “Ley Veero Kudiye Karvada, ley karwada vataiye….”

This is just a small part of the story and you can Download the complete karva chauth tambola story below from the ” Download Story’ button. 

These numbers will act as the tambola numbers. I hope I have made myself clear here. If you have any doubt about Karva chauth tambola STORY you can leave your comment below in the comment box.




        • Oh just noticed that you need it by today only. So in that case shipa I am very sorry I dont have any bollywood tambola ready yet. Meanwhile you can keep it that ways that when anybody get a dividend they have to sing a particular song instead of saying yes. I know this wont be much exciting but it will a bit of fun at least. Keep some chirpy songs for every dividends..like for first line you can keep it – pehli nazar mein pehla pyar ho gaya.
          second line – tum mere paas hote ho to koi dusra nahi hota.
          third line- dialogue (kitne aadmi the sardar–3)
          Early seven- saath samundar paar main tere peeche peeche aa gayi
          house- yeh tera ghar yeh mera ghar

  1. hi, shiwangi, i hav 2 plan akitty on karvachauth theme on 1 october. pl. help me out, i want some easy & enjoyale small group games. waiting eagerly 4 your reply

  2. hi shiwangi…..liked the story on karva chauth and everybody enjoyed it …..thanks so much giv…can u help me in making a story on santa and banta …and a little funny

  3. Hi shiwangi….can u pls mail me d whole story on my mail as I’m not able to download it on my android phone…..
    One more request do u have story on southindian theme or Kerala theme?

  4. thanx shiwangi…..apart frm this karvachauth story,do u hav any other story based tambola call outs…like this one…any story which includes 1-90 numbers….

  5. Thanku for d mail..hey plz suggest me some name according to the theme of krva chouth..basically my emphasis is on wearing bangles..

  6. Hi Shivangi…..dis karvachauth story tambola idea is amazing1….but dear i cudnt dwnload it….please do help me♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡

    • Hey Ritu, nice to see you here. You might have visited the website with your Smartphone I guess. Well don’t worry I am maliing you the story right now. ENJOY and do not forget to tell me how your kitty members liked the tambola. Furthermore you can also buy the Karva Chauth Tambola Tickets</strong> to make this tambola even more exciting. Do let me know if you want to buy these tickets.

      • Thnx a lott shiivangi… It’s really a wonderful story tambola game. Can I ask u 4 one more favour… Do u have any Hindi story tambola? If yes den plz mail me

        • U r always welcome Kesar but I am sorry I don’t have any story in Hindi as I am very bad at Hindi typing. This is a very simple story and you can easily translate it into Hindi.
          Enjoy and do let me know how your members like this story tambola game.

  7. Hi shiwangi. I hv viewed all the games that u hv posted above.All r nice Bt please send me some different and interesting paper tambola games for ladies kitty. Send some paper games with images related to karvachauth, Diwali & Bollywood.

  8. Hi Shiwangi i liked your karva chauth theme tambola but i am not able to make how to play this game between 20 members as all members will have numbers so at same time everybody will have offers

    • Hello Amita..the tambola tickets for every member will be different so how will everybody claim the offer simultaneously. Just distribute the 20 tickets in your 20 members and instead of saying the numbers from tambola board narrate this story.

  9. hey shiwangi….ur site is quite innovative..really enjoyed it…bt i need a favour..do u have ths story written in hindi as well…my family kitty is on 18 oct..it will b gr8 if u can make it in the mean while..thnks

  10. i m not getting the button to download the story.i really like this karua chauth theam tambola.i m planing to play this tambola on karua chauth in my small ladies function. so can u pl mail it as soon as possible?

  11. Hey Shivani
    Plz mail me the karwa chauth story … i need it tomorrow .

    Also if u can mail the krishna nd horror stories too. …it will be really really nice .


  12. please help me with a story based tambola game. i have a golden jubilee party of my grandparents next week. i am looking for either a bollywood or krishna based story for tambola.. plss help asap…

  13. Hey shiwangi..
    m unable to download story…
    I need a horor n krishna based story also…
    please suggest some games or ideas for sangeet nyte

  14. hi.. awesome effort…
    I m not able to get the download story button… can u plz help..
    can u plz also suggest games to b played in a bus route of 5-6hrs with 30 baaratis..

  15. Hi, can you please email me the story. i am unable to download the same.

    also, i want to compliment you for the lovely and innovative idea’s. great job!

  16. thanks a lot shivangi. i liked your site a lot. how can i join your group.
    can u also make a suspense story tambola. if preferable in hindi

  17. hey i am unable to download the karva chauth story, please help as soon as possible. pls mail if possible soon.

  18. Hey I am unable to download the karva chauth story . It’s a great one. Please mail me the story as soon as possible. It’s urgent

  19. Hi Shiwangi. Your website is simply superb. I have difficulty in downloading the tambola based karva chauth story.Can you please please please mail me the whole story asap. I need it very urgently,


  20. Hey….how r u doing? your ideas r great. i am not able to download the karvachauth themed based tambola….please help…thanx

    • Thank you Renuka for leaving such a lovely comment. I am glad that you liked my ideas. Mailed you the tambola story and let me know if you need any other help for your kitty.

  21. Hey Shiwangi. .pls mail me the karva chauth story..m not able to download it..n yeah these ideas which u share are really fantastic n helpful..pls mail me the story soon as I have my kitty in two days.

    • Thanks for such a lovely comment sonam. I love sharing my ideas here on the blog and it always makes me happy when it helps you all 🙂 Mailed you the story. Enjoy

  22. Hi shiwangi….trying to download this tambola karva chauth story but the webpage not showing download story button. Pls email me the story. Thanks a lot for such interesting inputs. Looking forward to more such stories. Great work .

    • Hello Vaishali,mailed you the story. Thanks for visiting and leaving such a nice comment. It feel great when my readers get some help from my website. Glad to know that you like my ideas 🙂

  23. hi..shivangi….u hv really great ideas wid u n I really appreciate you for sharing it with others….I m unable to download the story could u plz mail me

    • What are you looking for Neha. This is a karva chauth tambola story and has to be played with simple tambola numbers and board. I think you have some confusion. Do write to me if I can help you.

  24. Hello shiwani
    Its my daughters 1st birthday on 18th n I am willing to make d guests play dis story tambola can I please have a story for my game in Hindi…I ll be really thankful to u…

  25. hii shiwangi,

    i need a tambola story for my chacha sangeet function, story should be based on couple..
    plzz reply me soon…


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