Ladies Kitty Party Invitation Ideas


I have already posted a few Kitty Party Invitation Ideas For Indian Kitty Party, here I am with some more Ladies Kitty Party Invitation Ideas and invitation message ideas for ladies kitty party, office party and birthday parties.

I am adding the invitation pictures as well as the messages. You can copy those images and send your kitty party invite to your friends via WhatsApp or email them.

Ladies Kitty Party Invitation Ideas

Teachers Day Theme Kitty Party Invitation Ideateachers day kitty party invitation

सही गलत का फ़र्क़ बताते हैं, जीवन में जो राह दिखाते हैं,

वही असल में शिक्षक कहलाते हैं।

माँ-पिता से बडा गुरु नही कोई, जो हर कदम हमारा साथ निभाते है।

क्यों ना एक शाम अपने शिक्षकों के नाम लिख दी जाये,

मात-पिता और गुरुओं को थोडा याद किया जाये।

अपने बच्चों टीचर्स तो हम सब हैं ही,

क्यों ना एक किट्टी अपने ही नाम की जाये॥

टीचर्स डे थीम किट्टी पार्टी रखी है घर पर हमारे,

टीचर की तरह तैयार हो कर आ जाओ सारे।


Ganpati Theme Kitty Party Invitation Ideaganpati theme kitty party invitation

Childhood Theme Ladies Kitty Party Invitationbachpan theme kitty party invitation

Bold and Beautiful Theme Ladies Kitty Party Invitation

Put on your lipstick and mascara, Pick a stylish outfit and if possible get a tiara. Style up yourself with a high heel, Wear a sexy perfume to get an awesome feel. Bold and Beautiful is our theme of the day, Gorgeous ladies come one, come all, We’ll be happy and gay. Put on your lipstick and mascara, Pick a stylish outfit and if possible get a tiara. Style up yourself with a high heel, Wear a sexy perfume to get an awesome feel. Bold and Beautiful is our theme of the day, Gorgeous ladies come one, come all, We’ll be happy and gay. fashion theme kitty party invitation


Hot and Naughty Theme Ladies Kitty Party Invitation Idea

Shake your booties and pull up your bra,

Wear a hot dress and get ready for an awe.

Theme is Naughty and you are hawttie,

Don’t dare to miss, it will be an awesome party.Bold and Beautiful Theme Kitty Party Invitation


Teej Theme Ladies Kitty Party Inviteteej theme kitty party invitation idea

रंगीलो सावन आयो रे, सुरंगो सवन आयो।

रिमझिम बून्दें लायो रे, रंगीलो सावन आयो।

सखि री आयो तीज को त्योहार,

झुमके, चूडी, बिन्दी, मेह्न्दी पहन के हो जाओ तैयार्।

हरियाली तीज मनायेंगे मिलेंगे सब सखियाँ,

हरे हरे हो कपडे तुम्हारे हरी हरी हो चूडीयाँ।

These are some of my ladies kitty party invitation ideas for different kitty party themes. Keep visiting as I will be posting more of the invitation messages and ideas here on my blog.

Happy Kittying 🙂



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