6 Best Punctuality Games For Kitty Party

punctuality kitty games

Punctuality games are basically kept in the kitty party so that the members be on time. It is actually very tough to get all the members of the kitty party on time but yeah some interesting punctuality kitty games and punctuality gift items always work. So, today I am sharing a list of 6 best punctuality kitty games which will help you bringing your members on time.

Punctuality Kitty Gamespunctuality kitty games

Lucky Numbers This game can be played both as a normal kitty game or as a punctuality game in your kitty party and the best thing is that it suits your Lohri theme party too. You need some popcorns and some groundnuts (moongphali) for this game.

Mehandi Rang Layegi- This game suits your karva chauth theme kitty party or any festival theme party but can also be played as a punctuality game or a lucky lady game in your kitty party. You will need some mehandi cones for this game.

Highest is the winner –  This is again one of the most simple yet interesting punctuality kitty games. The best part of this game is that you do not really need to make any preparations for this game. Just start playing the games as the members are there.

Ice Ice Baby– This is a very nice game to be played as a lucky lady game or a punctuality game. You, however, need to make the ice cubes beforehand to play this game in your kitty party.

Kiss Your Husband– Ask the members to bring their husband’s pictures a day before your kitty party. Now paste the pictures of all punctual member’s husbands on a chart paper and blindfold the members. They have to kiss their husband’s picture on the chart paper. Very interesting game and full of laughter and fun.

Autograph Please

In this game, you need to take a chart paper and make a big circle on it then paste a picture of cartoon over it. Now, members will come one by one and leave their signature on the cartoon picture. After everyone is done with the signature, remove the cartoon picture and see whose signature is in the center of the circle. That member will get the prize.

So, this was my list of 6 best punctuality kitty games, do let me know if you want me to add more games in the list.

Love Love.



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