Teachers Day Games: Subject Wise Marks


September is the month when we don’t really have much of the festivals or themes for our ladies kitty party, the only theme I think in this month is the Teachers Day Theme Kitty Party. While I have shared some of the games on this theme already last year, today I am posting yet another game on the same theme of Teachers Day.

This is an individual game and you have  to call the members one by one to play this game, but as I always say in my videos that if you have many members in your kitty party, it is always a good idea to first divide them into teams and call one member from each team to play the game.

To play this kitty game, you need a few bowls as per the subjects you keep and you have to make some slips of the content relevant to the subjects you choose. There is no certain number of bowls or subjects or slips you need to make, it depends totally on you.

How to play game Subject Wise Marks

Just take the numbers of bowls as per the number of subjects you choose. Now keep all of them in a line with the subject names as shown in the image below.

Now make the slips relevant to the subjects, for example, you can write the chemical equations for chemistry, some addition problems for mathematics, vyakaran things for Hindi and Grammer things for English subject.

Now the challenge for the playing members is to put the relevant slips in the correct bowls in the given time, You can give one minute or 30 seconds for this game as per your own convenience.

The member who completes the challenge best in the given time will be the winner obviously. This is one of the very simple teachers day games and can be played with any age group of ladies. You can also play this game with kids in some teachers day celebration.

Do check the

10 Interesting Games For Teacher’s Day Celebration

Watch the video below to understand this teachers day game better. Also, watch my other game videos on my YouTube Channel Kitty Groups Online. 




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