Online Tombola Live: Win Cash Prizes Daily On Facebook


Online Tombola Live. Its the #CoronaTime and all of us are stuck in our homes. While this is for our own betterment and the betterment of our nation, it’s really tough to spend time at home. Men are hell bored at home and women are tired of cooking food every few hours and cleaning the home.

Housie With Shiwangi

In such gloomy times, all we can do is to stay calm and be positive. To lessen the gloominess from your days, I bring an Online Tombola Live game every day on my Facebook page.

Play Online Tombola Live Here 

How to play Online Tambola Live

Since it is the first online live tambola game and one of its kind, there are many questions our members have in their minds. I sharing some Frequently Asked Questions about our Online Tombola Live game. 

Are the tombola tickets free?

No, they are not. The tickets are available at the price of 50Rs per ticket and 3 tickets for 100 Rs. Please note, we sometimes play BUMPER TAMBOLA where the ticket prices are higher and so are the dividends and prizes.

How and Where To Buy The Tambola Tickets From?

We have our own customized tombola tickets and we play this online game Tombola live on my Facebook Page. There is a payment gateway page posted on my page every day with the payment links. You can buy the tickets through PayTm, GPay, UPI, Netbanking or through Card.

After payment is done, you have to send me the screenshot of your payment on WhatsApp at 8755801306.

When Do We Get The Tickets and the Rules?

Tickets are given 1 hour prior to the game. Normally we play the game every night at 10 p.m but sometimes we change the time to 4 p.m or 6 p.m in the evening as per the requests by the members. The Rules are sent to you fifteen minutes before the games.

What Are The Dividends and Prizes Of Tombola Game Live?

The dividends and the prizes are not fixed. It depends on the number of tickets sold and the number of members playing the game.

What Are The Rules Of Your Tambola Game?

  1. We call out the numbers on Facebook live.
  2. No WhatsApp groups.
  3. If you get any dividend, you have to write YES on the Facebook live video or on WhatsApp.
  4. You have to send the YES message in 30 seconds and follow a set format (Yes 59 Last Line).
  5. Those who don’t follow time and the format will not get the prize.
  6. We will check your ticket and give you the prize money only after the game ends.
  7. We give three numbers grace, for example, you get a line at the number 45 and I call out three more numbers before receiving your YES, you will get that dividend. If I call out more than three, you won’t get that dividend.
  8. You can claim only one small dividend- Lines/Corners/Early Five etc. in one ticket. (Not applicable for BP and Bamboo)
  9. We change the amount and the dividends daily as per the number of tickets sold.
  10. Your internet connection is your problem, not mine. (sorry to be rude)
  11. Final decisions are mine. No queries and confusion entertained.

What Tambola Dividends You Keep Normally

Though we decide the dividends as per the number of tickets sold but normally we keep the dividends like-

  • Blood Pressure
  • Bamboo
  • Kings Corners
  • Queens Corners
  • Three Lines
  • Five Houses

So, if you are getting bored during this lockdown and wanna have some fun activities staying at home, join our Online Tombola Live and start winning some real cash prizes.

Surprise Games Online With Cash Prizes

Out Online Tombola Live game is super fun and the added fun is the surprise game activities. We play some one-minute games or two minutes activities daily along with the tambola which can win you some real cash prizes too.

Play Online Tombola Live Here 


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