Fashion Theme Tambola Games : High Heels On Tambola

fashion theme tambola tickets

Fashion theme tambola games. Sharing this unique and designer tambola ticket on a demand from my reader. She has a kitty party on the theme High Heels and I guess this specially designed and hand made tambola tickets will go well with her theme kitty party.

Fashion Theme Tambola Games

fashion theme tambola games

As the tambola ticket image above shows this tickets is for the people who are born to shop and we all know that ladies are born to shop. Try playing this interesting tambola in your theme kitty party and I am sure that your kitty members and friends will love playing this different and specially designed tambola game.

Although this bingo ticket is designed especially for the fashion theme but you can play this in any of your theme kitty party. These tambola tickets are available for sale and if you want to place an order just leave a comment below in the comment box.

As we all know ladies love playing tambola the most in their kitty parties and when we have such designer and unique tambola tickets the fun of playing tambola just doubles. These designer tambola tickets are to played with the simple board and numbers of the tambola game.

I hope I am clear enough with the game but if you have any doubt regarding this fashion theme tambola games for any other party games in my website, feel free to leave a comment below in the comment box.


  1. Hi..theese tickets r I want sum thing related to my theme in the game..means the lines, houses etc according to the theme

  2. Hi shiwangi I like ur,fashion tambola tickets very much. Will u design something interesting like the pichakari u have designed for holi other than the above one. I’m looking for sum games on fashion theme also plz design something nice n new games

  3. hi I would like to know about this born to shop tam bola . Pl let me know dt how many days will u get to send 30 sheets n d process to know how to play

    • Hey Rashpreet this is an interesting tambola and made beautifully. The courier reaches anywhere in India in one week maximum. Please check your mail and confirm 🙂

  4. Hi shiwangi I like ur,fashion tambola tickets very much. I’m looking for sum games on fashion theme also plz design something nice n new u plz send us d same complete pack i.e red n black tambola.

  5. Hi shiwangi , tell me the cost of these tambola tickets n in how much days u can deliver it. Pls let me know somd more games on fashion theme regarding this theme

  6. Hello,

    I want to buy 20 tickets for a Kitty Party based on Karva Theme. If you can customise the aforesaid tickets then let me know. Kindly tell me the price.


  7. Hi i want to have tickets for my romantic theme party for new year..if u have any tickets idea for couple like red lady nd black suit wearing man…plz tel me nd costing too…also tel me the prices of ur fashion theme frock tickets housie price…nd saree shaped..i need 35..

  8. Hi…. I like ur fashion tambola tickets concept. I need 55 to 60 how much it will cost and what’s the size of ticket I want to know its cost and size it’s urgent plz let me know soon…..

  9. Hi I liked ur tickets but how to download and print them and also I want to know some different style for fashion theme in tambola.

  10. Hi shiwangi..wts d price of this fashion tambola tickets? How cn i order? Cn u plz send me d details n more games related to red carpet theme kitty? Thnx in advnce..

    • Hello Suruchi these tickets are for Rs 35 per ticket plus shipping charges. Do let me know if you want to place your order. You can WhatsApp me at 8755801306


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