Punjabi Theme Kitty Party : Best Theme For April Kitty

baisakhi theme kitty party

Punjabi Theme Kitty Party . Baisakhi is on 14th April and this is one of the best kitty party themes for the month of April. If you have a kitty party this month, you can plan it to be a Baisakhi theme kitty party. Today I am sharing the party ideas for Baisakhi Theme kitty party for the month of April.baisakhi theme kitty party

The Invitations for Baisakhi Theme Kitty Party

The Invitations can be computer printed with the Bhangra Dncers in the backdrop or handmade. You can use dry wheat, pulses etc for decorating your card. The wordings can be Balle Balle Shava Shava Calling all the Punjab de Puttars te Kudiyan, A rocking Punjabi party is in the offing at__________ on ________.

Decoration For Baisakhi Theme Kitty Party

Decorate the party hall in vibrant colors using your old dupattas and saris. If possible, give your venue the raw look of a village. Use bangles, musical instruments and hay for the decoration .If possible, make a small hut and keep some earthen pots in front of it to give a Punjabi village feel .
Dress Code : Ask your guests to wear traditional Punjabi attire Kurtas and Patiala salwars, Sherwanis with lots of accessories.

Games For Baisakhi Theme Kitty Party

Game-1 Convert some of the hindi songs in Punjabi language and let your guests guess the song. For every correct answer ,give away a small prize.
Game-2 Pitthu : This is a very popular outdoor game of the Northern India and you need a tennis ball and seven flat pieces of stones-leftover. Pieces of marble and granite are great, so scout around a house being constructed. Divide the guests into two teams. Members of the two teams take turns trying to break a pyramid of 7 marble/stones (the pitthu) by throwing a tennis ball at it. When the pyramid is broken, one team members try to rebuild the pyramid while dodging the tennis ball, which members of the other team throw at them. If a player is hit by the tennis ball, he or she is out of the play. The team that rebuilds the most pitthus wins the game.
Game-3 Kotla Chapaki : This is another game played by boys and girls in Northern India .Ask your guests to sit in a round circle facing each other while one player with a handkerchief or a dupatta in the hand ,makes rounds, singing “Kotla Chapaki Jumme Raart Aayi Ae, Jeda Agge Piche Chaaku Ohdi Shaamat Aayi Ae” and trying to drop the handkerchief behind a player without him noticing it. If the players completes one round and the person behind whose back ,the handkerchief was dropped fails to notice it ,he/she is out of the game.
Game-4 Chicho Chich Ganeria : This game is for both boys and girls. It is generally played by two teams and involves drawing as many vertical lines as possible with the help of chalks. It is an outdoor game played between two teams. The playing area is divided into two and allotted to the teams. Each team has to make small vertical lines with chalk in the given time limit at places which cannot be detected by the other team members. After the given time, the teams exchange courts and try to find and cancel out the lines made by the rival team members. Then a final count of the lines is made by the host to decide the winner .
Other Activities : Have a lassi drinking or matki balancing and painting competition among the teams. You can also have a Punjabi bride competition. Divide your guests in teams and ask them to make one of the members a Punjabi kudi /bride and bridegroom/munda amongst themselves with whatever stuff that they have.

Ideas For The Menu For Baisakhi Theme Kitty Party

Add charm to your Punjabi Theme evening with delectable Punjabi delicacies like Chicken Tikka, Chicken Patiala, Makke Di Roti and Sarson Da Saag.

Do let me know what you think about the Baisakhi Theme Kitty Party Ideas.


  1. Hi shiwangi, I love ur ideas on baisakhi theme but will u plz design some ideas on gangaur theme . I’m keenly interested in organizing a party on this. Plz yaar help me out as gangaur is on 2 April. N one more thing I would like to know how many tickets u’ll provide in fashion tambola n how to ordered u plz mail me all t procedure as I’m not aware abt online purchase. Waiting to see ur response. Thanks again.

  2. hi shivangi
    i read your all kitty party theames you post ideas are awsome but this time iwant some game for gangur sindhara party plz send me tomorrow only if possible bcoz my party is in this week only and plz suggest also.

    thanks seema

  3. Hey need diwali tambola asap…loved ur games ..can u please help….I want sme bidding type game in which members bid on each other….Please help asap …need urgent

    • Hello Deepali which Diwali tambola do you want, please clarify. Regarding your bidding game, you can make teams where the team bids points on one of their member for any particular game.


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