Picture Puzzlers : Written Game Kitty Party

written game kitty party

Written Game Kitty Party . If you are looking for some difficult and brain teasing written game for your kitty party, this one will suit your choice. This is a written game which is not that easy to play. It is actually a mind game and you can play it as a written game kitty party. As the name suggests this is a picture puzzler and you will see some questions with some pictures. All you have to to do is to read the puzzles carefully and write the answers.

Written Game Kitty Party : Picture Puzzler

written game kitty partyThis written game kitty party has two sheets and there are different questions in both the sheets. With the given pictorial clues you have to guess the letters and complete the puzzle. The game is actually not that hard to play but one has to play a lot of concentration to answer these questions. It is not about the difficulty, it is all about the carefulness while reading the questions and writing the answers.

Read the statements carefully, see the pictures and then write the letter. Then in the end you have to write the word which comes out of those letters. There are two sheets attached in this game and you just have to download the sheets from the download button given below. Just click on the download button and the game sheet will land in your computer system. You can then get the prinouts from any cyber cafe in your vicinity. If you don’t have a computer at home you can go to any cyber cafe nearby and download the game sheet there.

I am putting this written game in the category of kitty party games but you can also play this game in the birthday party of grown ups or even in your office parties.

Download the game sheets  from the button below.

[dl url=”https://kittygroups.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Picture-Puzzler.docx” title=”Download Game Sheet” desc=”” type=”” align=”Game Sheet”]




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