Its Valentines Week and any kitty party hosted in this week or rather this month will surely be a Valentine Theme Kitty Party. I have already added many one minute games and special Valentine’s Day Party games, but on special demand of my readers, I am here creating a special tambola ticket for Valentine theme kitty party. This is a lovely tambola ticket best suitable for any kitty party in the month of February.
Just download the Valentine Tambola Ticket and cut it from Heart design. This special tambola ticket includes five dividends
- Kiss Me
- Hug Me
- Love Me
- Propose Me
- Be My Valentine (full house)
This would certainly be a perfect tambola ticket for your Valentines Day Theme Kitty Party. You can download the Valentine Theme Tambola Ticket from the button below.
[dl url=”” title=”Download Game” desc=”” type=”” align=”Game Sheet”]
I want know more about tambola ticket
Tell me Anubanda..what do you wanna know ??
hey shiwangi..suggest sme for tambola games for karva chauth..
Hey Shweta..just posted a paper party game especially for the karwa chauth theme. You can play that in place of tambola. Furthermore I will try making some good karva chauth tambola ticket. Check the karwa chauth paper game “HERE‘
hey shivangi I m unable to download valentine day tambola tickets
Mailed you the ticket separately in mail Shweta Hope it works for you. Do let me know if you need any help further.
hey thanks shivangi got the mail
but I didn’t understood how to play
Get the printouts according to the strength in your kitty party and give them all the blank tickets. The members will then fill up the numbers on their own. They have to fill 4 numbers in each dividend- kiss me, love, me , propose me, and hug me. Then play the tambola normally. the call out for the prizes will be the same like the member has to call out Kiss Me if all her numbers on lips are cut. Hope you got it.
pls reply me as soon as possible
regards shweta
hey shiwangi how to play makar sankranti tambola pls explain
hi shiwangi ,
I want to keep a Hawaiian theme kitty so please suggest me Hawaiian tambola and some games
Any tambola game for angel themed couple party??
What do you mean by angel theme Kanu..pls explain
hey can u please suggest me diwali theme tambola….?
Hey Poonam check out the new diwali theme tambola game.
download link pls
This is just an image Dhiru, you can download the image and get the printouts.
Hi Wanted to know if u have an option fr Tambola ticket customisation…. I gv u 90 names & u prepare the tickets accly.
Yeah Aditi we can create the customized tickets. Pls mail me your requirements and we will create the tickets accordingly.
Hi..I m unable to download valentine tambola ticket. .pls mail me..
Mailed you the ticket image file Aashi. You can get the print outs from any cyber cage near by. Do let me know if you need any more help
Hey shivangi…Ialso want valntine theme tabola tickets…pls mail me..
Hello Swati you can download the tikcet from the website and get the colored printouts from any cyber cafe near by. Do let me know if you want me to do this for you.
please send me tambola tickets on valentine theme
Hello Suchi these tickets are available for let me know if you want to place your order.
please give me some pic on valentine theme game of tambola
Cn u mail me the print..
Mailed you the ticket file Namisha.
unable to download the valentine day tambolla ticket. pls send it to me
Hey Mario mailed you two designs of Valentine tambola tickets. Pls check and confrim
Hi shivangi… unable to download the valentines tambola ticket. Also pls explain how to play
Mailed you two designs of Valentine Tambola ticket Aditi..enjoy
Plz send me valentine day kitty game for ladies party
i am unable to download the valentine game tambolla ticket kiss me …. i did not understand how to play it. yousaid cut the ticket …
pls mail all the vlanetine day tambolla tickets to
hey pls mail me the valentine theme tambola ticket
Hello shiwangi I need 25 holiday tambola tickets
Sorry I mean holi
Unable to download valentines day tambola ticket. Can you please email it to me?
mailed you the ticket priti