Non Stop Nonsense: Quick Fun Game For Work

Quick Fun Game For Work

We recently played this super fun and hilarious game in our ladies kitty party. We played this game with a group of 20 ladies and it was so much fun. There was literally a laugh riot in our kitty party. This is a quick fun game for work and you can play it in your office parties too. The best thing about this game is that you do not need any preparations for this game and can play it at random.

Non-Stop Non-Sense: Quick Fun Game For WorkQuick Fun Game For Work

  • Make everyone sit in a circle and the host has to sit in the center.
  • The game is to ask random questions from the ladies sitting in the circle.
  • The twist in the game is when the host points her finger to someone, the lady sitting on the right has to give the answer and the TWIST is that the answer should be wrong. If anyone gives correct answer she will be out.
  • Usually, when we point someone suddenly, they give answer randomly but in this game, the lady sitting in the right have to answer.
  • The lady who is left in the end will be the winner

The random questions can be like-

  • What is the day today?
  • What do you had in your breakfast today?
  • What is your favorite color?
  • When did you got married?
  • What is my name?
  • Who is Amitabh Bachchan’s son’s mom?

Watch the video to know the game more-



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