Family Toss: Party Game for Family Picnic

party game for family picnic

Family Toss is a perfect party game for family picnics. To play this game with your family, you just need a good space and a few things. This game also suits to kids birthday party. It is more or less a relay race to be played with cloth pieces. If you are playing this game in your family picnic, you can divide all the members into teams first.

Family Toss: Party Game for Family Picnicparty game for family

Things required:

You need 4-5 pieces of cloth, 5-6 balls, and a bucket.

How to Play 

  • Divide your guests into teams. Make sure that each team has an even number of members. 
  • Call the teams to the play area one by one and ask them to make pairs.
  • Make them stand in a line as shown in the picture.
  • Give a piece of cloth to each member of the team and make them stand in a line.
  • Give 6 balls to the team.
  • The challenge is to toss the balls from one members to other using the cloth piece. Members are not allowed to use hands.
  • The member standing last in the line has to drop the ball in the bucket.
  • The team who finish doing so with all the balls will be the winner of this game.



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