How To Make Mexican Hot Mocha



This is a hot cocoa recipe made using a bit of cinnamon and coffee. No one can ever beat hot chocolate made using the melted chocolate, particularly with the added cinnamon.



Unsweetened chocolate–1 1/2 oz

Sugar–1/4 cup

Instant coffee–2 tbs

Cinnamon–1/2 tsp

Water–3/4 cup

Milk–2 cups


How To Make Mexican Hot Mocha::

Grate the chocolate and mix it with all the ingredients except milk.

Heat it on a simmer flame till the chocolate melts completely. Stir it continuously.

Keep stirring for five minutes on simmer flame.

Add milk and increase the flame, remember that you don’t have to let the chocolate boil.

Take it off the heat and whisk it until it is frothy.

Add the spoonful of beaten ice-cream and serve it hot.


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