Kitty Party Theme Ideas . If you are looking for some interesting and funny kitty party theme ideas, Master Chef theme party will end your search. It is a very exciting theme party idea and trust me, your kitty party members would love getting involved. While I already have a post on Kitchen Queen Kitty Party Theme, but this is an entirely different theme with different games and ideas.
Master Chef Kitty Party Theme Ideas

Kitty Party Theme Ideas of invitations for Master Chef Theme Party
Use a recipe card for the basis of the invitation. You can fill in the details so that the invitation looks like a real recipe, and hole punch the top corner of the recipe card. Tie the card to a wooden mixing spoon with a perky red ribbon.
Kitty Party Theme Ideas of Decoration for Master Chef Theme Party
Your kitchen will come in handy for the decoration of your party hall. Set out silver/china plates, white napkins, silver cups, white utensils with a white tablecloth. Hang an apron or two on a wall in the party room with cooking utensils hanging around the room as well. As a table centerpiece, set out a large mixing bowl filled with decorating materials, such as icing in cans and tubes, sugar letters and designs, sprinkles etc. Make and hang a sign reading, “Welcome to (Your Name) Food Carnival”. Decorate the walls with photos of famous chefs and fancy foods from magazines.
Kitty Party Theme Ideas Of Games and Activities
Game-1 Colour Fun: Divide the guests in colour groups eg- red, green, blue and yellow. Ask them to write maximum things from kitchen of that colour. Give prize to the player who writes the maximum items in each colour category.
Game-2 Dumb Charades Proverbial game : The hosts have to enact the proverbs related to food or you can show items related to proverbs and let the ladies guess. Like you can show some flour and pulses in a bowl to the guests and they have to guess the proverb related to them. The answer is ‘Aatey daal ka bhav pata chalna’.
Game-3 Food Pictionary : In this game, the guests have to guess the food item drawn on the board. Keep the dishes which have their names in two parts for the game like butter chicken, tangdi kabab etc.
Game-4 Food Trivia Quiz : You can have a food trivia quiz organized in which you ask your guests some interesting questions about food.
Game-5 Missing Object : Show your guests some kitchen items in a tray and then remove one object from it. Let your guests guess the missing item .
Game-6 Yummy Or Not : You’ll need a blindfold and different kinds of edible food. Divide the players in teams. You blind fold one person from each team and let them smell and touch the food while their team yells out clues for them to guess what the item is. The team with the most correct guesses wins.
Game-7 Personal Dish: On your invitations, ask all to bring a dish that resembles their personality. Have everyone describe to the room what their dish is and why it resembles their personality. Let the guest with the best explanation and presentation win.
Game-8 Candy Game: Split your guests into equal teams. Give each person a wrapped large sized candy and each team a pair of oversized gloves. On the word go, each person must take a turn to put on the gloves, unwrap their candy, chew and swallow it. Once one has finished they pass the gloves to the next person. The team which finishes the task in the first place, wins.
Kitty Party Theme Ideas of Menu For Master Chef Theme Party:
Keep a lavish menu for this theme. Consider having one dish representing each state. I am sure your party will be a huge hit and guests will remember it for a very long time. If you have any doubt regarding my Kitty Party Theme Ideas, feel free to leave a comment below in the comment box.
hello i like ur mastershef kitty party theme..can u plz be a more spcific n tell me wot all items of diffferent colors can i keep to guesss…it is of the first game whuch u have writteen of ths theme
Hey Divya , m glad that you liked the master chef theme idea. Regarding the game, you can keep the colors
Yellow- banana, mango, moong daal, besan etc
Green- Moong, peas, spinach,lauki etc
White- Aata, sooji, maida, rasgulle etc
Hope it helps. Do let me know if you need any other help 🙂
Hello,i need ur help again….in the 3gme food pictionary..wot all food items cn b there in vegetarian category…plz tell me at least 10 if possible……in the 6game wot all r the edible items……is there a game on this theme in tambola also if ys plz suggest…..wot shd b the dress code fr ths theme…..
Hey Divya you can add food items like –
bread, cake, vegies like( lady finger, turnip, peas), butter, chocolate, french fries, burger, pizza and many more.
For game 6 you can keep the edible items like heeng, ajwain, zeera, methi, some essence, saunf, besan, cut fruits, and many more.
We currently don’t have any tambola ready for this theme but we can make one for you. Do let us know your requirements and we will design a tambola ticket for you.
Regarding the dresscode, you can keep anything Indian or also ask everyone to wear an apron on their dress 🙂
hey can u also suggest a small punctuality game based on ths theme……my kitty is in july i want to do ths theme,,i want the proverbs fr the 2 game also
For punctuality game you can keep a pan eating game-where the punctual members have to eat a pan and blow the whistle. The member who does this will win the punctuality. and the proverbs can be like-
Akela chana kya bhad jhokega
Bandar kya jaane adrak ka swad
Neem hakeem katra-e-jaan
Naako chane chabwana
Seedhi ungli se ghee nhi nikalta
Uunt ke muh mein zeera etc.
Hope it helps 🙂
Hi shiwangi,,i really liked your theme of masterchef and i m thinking of keeping this theme for my kitty party..please help me with tambola related to masterchef theme,,i will be really obliged if you could help me ..thanks..
neha from ahmedabad
Hey Neha, thanks for such an appreciative comment. I really feel happy when my readers like my party ideas and games. Yeah we can provide you the master chef theme tambola also. Please mail me your requirements and we will design the ticket accordingly.
Hi shiwangi,wat is ur email address??
i want to keep tambola related to food items or kitchen related which both ladies and gents can play..
Hey Neha my email ID is We will soon come up with a design according to your requirements.
hello again….as i told u earlier i want to keep tambola related games as in the master chef theme….i want a game in the regular tambola ticket only….some variations in it as in lines or smething else…can u tell me a another punctuality game as per the theme plz……
Sorry Divya, I don’t have any such idea to play with the normal tambola tickets.
Heyy shivangi. .. plz tell me some punctuality game on fashion theme
Hi shivangi….I really liked Dis theme of urs….I m soon going to implement it did month.
Thnx Richa..I am glad that you liked the idea. DO le me know how was your kitty and if possible do share your views here in my website. 🙂
Hi shivangi plz can u mail me d tambola ticket fr dis theme….
Hi Shiwangi, I really liked master chef theme for my upcoming party. Plz suggest the dress code .Kindly mail me the tambola tickets designed for this theme.
I am waiting for master chef tambola tickets for the upcoming party
Sent you an email Bhupinder please check and revert accordingly
heyy shiwangi…i really liked ur theme with no. of innovavtive ideas can u plz help me out for the upcoming teej how can we choose our teej queen n wat all activities and games we can put during that..n even plzz suggest sum theme n tambola game ideas play by both gents and ladies.
Hey Roli thanks for such a lovely comment. You can choose the teej queen on the basis of number of green items wore by her. For Teej tambola tickets click
Hi shivangi….. I really liked the theme n implemented in my kitty….all my frndz enjyd a lot n we had a great Tym….thanx a lot fr d lovely idea….
Hey Richa..m so glad that my ideas and games made your all happy. Keep visiting 🙂
Heyy shiwangi…thank u so…much i loved ur ideaa..can u plzz suggest me some game or activity play by teej queen participants in which we all n even they can enjoy… like masterchef theme kind off
Hey Roli, glad to see you here in my blog and thanks for such an appreciative comment. For the teej games and activities ideas you can check my post TEEJ CELEBRATION IDEAS. . Hope it helps. Do drop an email at if you need any other help for your kitty party. 🙂
can you pls share some more proverbs relate to food…i rally loved the game..i have my kitty on 26th Novemeber
Hii friends…I also liked the the theme of master chef …n probably try implementing ths idea fr my turn of kitty next month..I would appreciate if u all can give ur inputs fr the following game:
making snow man: one minute game:
Details: ladies wud b shown a pik of snowman…raw materials: potaoes green peas black pepper carrot peel fr neck..etc..winner wud b the one…who has used same numb of things as in piks.
Hey Ruchi thats a wonderful idea..I loved tha game and the best thing is that it suits your theem the best. Do send me the pictures of this game so that I can add it in my blog under your name 🙂 Thanks
Hi shiwangi,,i really liked your theme of masterchef and i m thinking of keeping this theme for my couple kitty party..please help me with tambola related to masterchef theme,,i will be really obliged if you could help me I want handmade couple tambola ticket ..thanks..
Hello Anshu. Thanks for leaving such a lovely comment. Tell me how can I help you?
Hello ur ideas r super ur ideas always help us i surely keep this theme in my kitty plz give me idea fr tickets and tell me cost also i want today only bcoz tommorow is my kitty
Oh I saw the message late Vaishali. Next time, do let us know at least a week before your kitty. Thanks for your comments by the way.
No problem plz send me ticket if u have my kitty postponed
Hi .. I rly like ur idess.. Can u me . i want handmade tambola tickts do u have any idea …
hi shiwangi, i really liked your idea of masterchef theme…can you suggest a quiz related to this theme , i would be hosting a group of 90 ladies in the month of august…any audio visual game or any idea on demo… thanks
Hello Neetu. Will try making some audio video games on this theme and let you know. Meanwhile, you can check this link for interesting MasterChef written game-
Hloo shivangi.i organised a maaterchef kitty nd it was a hit.the best kitty in my whole group.i gifted aprons to all members with their name embroidered on it n arranged 5 games all were mast.ty to u.made one back screen n few party props for selfie click.thnks again for idea
Thats great Preeti 🙂 It always feels so good when my ideas help others planning their kitty and I know its such a relief when your kitty goes well 🙂 Keep visiting and feel free to share your ideas over here. I will publish those ideas under your name 🙂
Hello Shiwangi !!!!!!!!!!! i need a Kitty Party Theme invitation card for Master Chef Theme Party.