Bulb Balance: One Minute Party Game

ladies kitty one minute game

If you are looking for some unique and new ladies kitty one minute game, try playing Bulb Balance some day. I have been going to the kitty parties since last 18 years and never played this game in any of my ladies kitty party or even in couple kitty party. Bulb Balance is a minute to win it game and is actually very tough to play.

Ladies Kitty One Minute Game

ladies kitty one minute game

Things required

To play this game in your ladies kitty party, you just need two bulbs, two eggs and a few pinches of salt.

How to Play 

This is an individual game and if you have teams in your kitty party, you can call one member from each team to play the game, otherwise you can call each member one by one to play this game. This is a one minute game and the player will get one minute to complete the challenge. Failure in completing the challenge will result in elimination. Call the player to the playing area and give her two bulbs, two eggs and salt. The challenge is to balance the egg on the bulb using a pinch of salt. Player has to sprinkle the salt on the bulb and then balance the egg.

The changing equilibrium of egg makes it difficult to balance and the sale will help in supporting. This challenge has to be repeated two times and the player who does it well in one minute will be the winner of the game. Do try the game at home before you plan it for any of your parties.

Hope the game is clear to you all and if you have any doubt about this ladies kitty one minute game, feel free to leave a comment below in the comment box. I am right here to solve all your queries about kitty party games and ideas. Do let me know if you need any kind of help in organizing your ladies kitty party or couple kitty party.




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