क ल म प: Hindi One Minute Game For Kitty Party

hindi one minute game for kitty party

Today I am sharing another Hindi One Minute Game For Kitty Party, however, you can also plan it in any of your office parties or in your family gatherings too. Honestly this would be a tough game for kids to better not to plan it in a birthday party.

Hindi One Minute Game For Kitty Partyhindi one minute game for kitty party

Things Required

  • Printout of the game sheet shown above
  • Pens

How To Play

This is a one minute paper party game and thus you need to get the printouts of the sheet shown above.

Give one sheet to each member in your kitty party and explain them the game.

The challenge here is to write four names of fruits, flowers, vegetables & ornaments from the Hindi letters- क ल म प.

The lady who writes the maximum correct answers in one minute will be the winner of this game.

Answers for Hindi One Minute Game For Kitty Party


  1. केला
  2. लीची
  3. मौसमी
  4. पपीता


  1. कमल
  2. लिली
  3. मोतिया
  4. पलाश


  1. कमरबंद
  2. लौंग
  3. माँग टीका
  4. पायल


  1. करेला
  2. लौकी
  3. मटर
  4. परवल




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