Pumpkin Burst: Halloween Party Game for Kids

5 Best Fun Outdoor Activities For Kids

Pumpkin burst is a nice Halloween party game for kids as kids always love creating mess and running here and there. To play this game with kids in your Halloween party you need the pumpkin shaped and colored balloons. These balloons are easily available in the local stores during Halloween and also available on the online stores.

Play Pumpkin Burst Halloween Party Game For Kids

Halloween party game for kids

Get the Halloween balloons from any store and blow them all. Tie these balloons with a long ribbon. If you don’t get the pumpkin shaped balloons, you can make a pumpkin face on any orange colored balloon using a marker.

Now call all the kids in the playing area and tie one balloon to each kids’ ankle. Make sure that every kid have a balloon tied to his/her ankle before you start the game.

Once every kid is ready with the balloon tied on the ankle tell them the game rules. When the time starts, blow the whistle and and the kids will start running around and busting each other’s balloon by stepping on it. When your balloon is pumped out you are out the game and you will sit on the chair and rest of the kids will continue the game till only one kid is left with the balloon.

It is always recommended to play such games in an open space, may be a ground or big lawn area. Also make sure that the kids are of same age group or else it may hurt the young kids. Kids are not allowed to grab the balloons with their hands and pop them up. They can pop out the balloons only by stepping on them.
Plan this Halloween party game for kids in your Halloween party this year and do let us know how your little guests liked it.


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