Word Search Game for Diwali Kitty Party


If you are a party lover, you might be looking for some interesting diwlai party ideas. October is the Diwali month and we Indians love to arrange the diwali party with our friends, family and in offices. Any party is incomplete without some interesting party games and same is the thing with Diwali theme parties. Whether it is your office party, ladies kitty party, couple party or a kids party for diwali, some nice and interesting Diwali party ideas can always make a party more enchanting and fun filled.

Here is a Diwali word search game for your Diwali theme kitty party. I know the word search games are not that interesting to play but honestly I am not getting any ideas for Diwali party games so thought to make one. This Diwali word search game is however suitable for all kind of parties and for all age groups. You can arrange it as  a diwali activity with kids, or play it in your diwali party at office.

Diwali Party Ideas Word Search

diwali party ideas

This is a one minute diwali party game and the players have to look for the Diwali related words in one minutes in the given grid of letters. The grid has the common words associated with Diwali like wax, puja, oil, tilak etc.

Just print the above-given image according to the number of players in your diwali party and give them each to solve this diwali puzzle maze. It is always fun playing with friends and family and so is this game. The player who finds maximum number of Diwali words in the grid will be the winner.

Here are the Answers 

I am uploading an image of the Diwali word search game and you can download the game sheet from the button below. I hope you liked my diwali party ideas over here and feel free to share if you have some of such interesting diwali party ideas or game.


  1. Hi Shiwangi..Please send me the answers to the word search game.I have to play this game with my kitty group in the next 2.5 hours. Will really appreciate a quick reply. Can u please send the list of the words that have to be searched along with the puzzle. Thanks in advance

  2. hello shiwangi, just took a look @ ur site…..nice games for all occasions……I have downloaded this game ……mail me da answers pls……got Diwali kitty on 26th of this month……thank you.

    • Mailed you the answers Krupa and thnx a ton for visiting and liking my work. Keep visiting and add more and more friends to this group so that we can make a huge online kitty party group.

  3. Hi Shiwangi, Kindly email the answers as soon as possible. Lovely game!! I am planning to play this at office party today!! 😀

    • Hey Roma sent you the answers via email and to join the group you just need to add your email ID and subscribe to the blog. Pls let me know if you need any further help. Thnx

  4. Please mail d answer sheet as well as d word search game sheet on my gmail account assoon as ppossible….
    I would be vry gratefull to u… 🙂

  5. Hi Shiwangi,
    Its really nice to have such types of games already prepared on your sites….
    Can u forward me the answers ASAP…. and some new ideas of the games for gents, sort of funny…
    looking forwrd for your reply…:)

  6. Pls can you mail me the answer for the Diwali word search and also where do I download as the link takes me to FB but have no idea where to look for it…thanks


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