Party Game For Teenagers – Kick The Balloon Blindfold


Party Game For Teenagers. If you are throwing a party for your teenage kids and looking for some interesting and funny party game for teenagers, this game will suit you the best. Blindfold Balloon Football is  a nice game to play at parties.

Party Game For Teenagers
Party Game For Teenagers

Teenagers just wanna have fun in their parties and they also do not like more of your interruption over there. You need many big balloons and a cloth to blind fold the player. Blindfold party games are really very funny games Make a certain mark as a goal. If you have the teams in your party, call one member from the teams one by one and ask them to play. If not, then you can also arrange this funny party game for individual players .

Keep the balloon on the floor and blind fold the player. Make the player stand 7-8 steps away from the balloon. Spin her thrice or four times and then ask her to kick the balloon towards the goal. Give them three chances each, the player who get the balloon kick in three chances grabs the point.

Though I am giving the game a title of party game for teenagers, but you can play this one minute game for party in any of the parties , may it be a birthday party, a family gathering, an office party or even a ladies hen’s party. Please hit the FB like button if you like the one minute party games in office . Also share it with your friends on the social media websites, after all sharing is caring.

This one minute game for party is pretty simple and the image makes it even more explicable, but if you have any doubt regarding this game, do leave a comment below in the comment box, I am here to sort them out.


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