Funny Kitty Party Games For Women – Hit A Sixer And You Win

Kitty party games

What is the first thing that come in your mind after reading the title of this game from my list of Kitty party games for women ? I guess you are thinking that it is something related to a cricket theme party, right? But no my dear, you are wrong. This kitty party game for women has nothing to do with the cricket theme party. The sixer here I am talking about is the sixer of a dice.

Note: This is one of the best games for big groups.

Yes you and the women in your kitty party will play this game with a dice. This is a party game from my list of kitty party games for women which suits to all ages. All the women in your kitty party can play this game . This kitty party game is actually quite simple but is very entertaining and interesting. I once arrange this as the birthday party game of my son and everyone enjoyed this game throughly, and the entire party hall was filled with laughter and fun.

Kitty Party Games For Women – Hit A Sixer And You Win

The game goes like this-

To arrange this kitty party game for women in your kittyparty, you need to do some homework beforehand. You will be needing a packing tape and many small gifts. You can select the gifts according to your members, for example if you are arranging this party game as a birthday party game, get the gifts according to children, and if you are arranging it as a kitty party game you better get some cosmetics like nailpaints, lipsticks, shampoo bottles, powders, eyeliners etc.

Now wrap all the gifts in the packing tape and make a huge ball.  Kitty party games

Make all the kitty members sit in a circle first, or it could also be the rectangular sitting arrangement which we usually get in a restaurant. Now keep the ball with you first and give any lady the dice. She will roll the dice, and if she gets the number six, she will get the chance to unwrap the big tape ball. She will get the gifts she unwraps and till then if someone else gets six, she will snatch the ball and start it untaping.

Feel free to ask if you have any query regarding this game. You can leave your question or comment below in the comment box.


  1. hi shiwangi i am akshita last time also i had taken ur ideas for independence day theme and it was very good this time i want some musical theme for just 15-16 members for the month of april please do reply as soon as posible


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