Funny Games Bridal Shower . The name itself makes the game easy to understand. Yes it is a simple yet naughty and interesting game and thus I have included in the list of Funny Games Bridal Shower. You can arrange this game in your ladies kitty party as well as the couple party. Although, this game suits the best as the bridal shower games or bachelorette party games.
Funny Games Bridal Shower

As the name signifies this is a blindfold game where you will call the members one by one and tie a bandanna on their eyes. Before than take any poster of actor ( if you are playing this with ladies) or actress (if you are playing with men).
Games Create Fun In Bridal Shower Party
Well, I played this game in a ladies party so I will explain it that way. First paste the poster of the actor on a wall in the party hall. Let all the members see and check it carefully. Now call the member one by one and tie the bandanna on their eye tightly. Make sure that the ladies have a good coat of lipstick on their lips. If not, ask them to put a coat before playing this game.
Now what they have to do is to kiss the actor on his lips. The member kissing exactly on the lips will win the game. If no one gets the exact lip kiss, declare the lady as winner whose kiss is closest to the lips. Funny Games Bridal Shower can make your bridal shower party even more of fun and laughter and your guests will surely have a great time at your place. Bridal shower is a special day for the would be bride and such Funny Games Bridal Shower can make it even more memorable and enchanting.
Hi Shiwangi. .
Please help me getting some naughty sexy game for the party is attend in Bahrain with a crowd of 8 to 10 couple .
Each party we have to bring one gave.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Thank u
Hi Cini, nice to see you here. Do check the link below to get the naughty and sexy games for your party. Hope it helps. Write me again if you need more help.