Throwing a Party : Try This Book With 51 Unique Party Themes


Hey Friends, after giving you many interesting and funny party games and themes, I am here with a special offer for you. I am offering a wonderful book with 51 Unique ideas of Party Themes and Party games. You can moreover call this book as an encyclopedia of Party Themes. Party novices or professionals will find numerous ideas and inspiration with this 100+ page book. Written by one the members of Kitty Groups Online, this book includes very interesting themes with complete details of decorations ideas, dress-codes, best suitable cuisines and funny party games.

party games

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The trend of throwing parties is increasing day by day and also the craze of including various themes and games in the parties is in trend. Parties today are not only about the food fiesta, its about the fun quotient, themes, dress-codes, decorations and above all the funny party games.

I know there are many party planners and event managers out there in the market, but I do not need to tell you that they are very pricey. This book is being offered at a very reasonable price of just 499 INR.

Isn’t that fantastic !!

Yes, it is. I have this book and have used most of the themes in my parties, Trust me all of my parties were super hit and all my guests thoroughly enjoyed. What else can we ask for.

This book is written in absolutely simple language so as to make it easy for every housewife. You will find all the innovative ideas in this book with no repetition. I am sure you will love reading this book and using these themes in your parties. Garima Bhatnagar, the writer of this book is an Indian housewife and loves throwing exciting and interesting theme parties.

The party themes and games included in this book are very realistic and can easily be arranged by anyone. Unlike the other unrealistic party themes mentioned on the web, this book will actually help you out in arranging the best ever parties in your group.

Place your order now and get this wonder and unique party themes book at your door in just a few days.

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