Tambola Games : Lovely Diwali Theme Tambola Tickets


Tambola Games Diwali. In my list of specially designed tambola tickets here is a lovely and interesting addition for your diwali theme kitty party. These specially designed diwali theme tambola tickets show the lovely deepaks for diwali and a beautiful lantern. The tambola numbers will be written on the deepaks.

Check out the image below and place your order through comments if you want to but these diwali special tambola tickets for your diwali theme kitty party.

Tambola Games Diwali

tambola games diwali

Tell me, is this diwali tambola ticket amazingly beautiful? These are made with specially trained creative team who are expert making such theme party supplies. These diwali tambola games are now available for sale and you can buy them in reasonable rates.

These tambola tickets will be played with simple tambola board and numbers. The only thing which makes this tambola ticket unique is its designs which suits best in the category of diwali tambola games. In the image above of tambola games diwali, you can see different diya and dots. We have kept them as dividends. First dividend in this diwali tambola ticket is Diyas, second is TILAK (the dots) and some numbers will be written on the lantern. Other than these dividends you can keep the houses. 

To make this tambola games diwali special, you can keep the game call as certain diwali special songs or phrases. For example for early five you can keep the call as – diye jala liye, for first line you can set the call as- rangoli bana li, for second line- safai kar li, bottom line call can be- pathake le aye and the house has to be HAPPY DIWALI.

These tambola Games Diwali are hand made and are really attractive and beautiful. Playing this game in your diwali theme kitty party will surely enhance the fun.

Place your order below though the comments.I am sure these specially designed tambola tickets will make your diwali theme kitty party a super hit party.



  1. Hello shiwangi..can u plz suggest me some games and innovative tickets for new year kitty party..and price for the same also

    • Hey Neha there are more than 500 games in the website and most of them may suit your new year kitty party. Will soon add some more games. Pls stay tuned for the latest updates.


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