It’s Cervical Cancer Protection Week and I am taking part in the ##SmearforSmear Selfie Cervical Cancer Awareness Campaign for creating awareness about this deadly disease.
Recently while browsing over the web, I came across the #SmearforSmear Selfie campaign initiated by Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust UK.
Not much people know but Cervical Cancer is the most common cancer found in women under 35. According to a report posted by Zee News India “Cervical cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths among women in India, with approximately 1.32 lakh new cases of cervical cancer being diagnosed and about 74,000 deaths occurring annually, accounting for nearly one-third of cervical cancer deaths across the world”.
What you need to know about Cervical Cancer
Cervical cancer is the cancer of mouth of uterus or womb, known as cervix. All women aged between 25 and 64 are should go for cervical screening every three to five years. It is the most common cancer among women in India and reports say that one woman dies of cervical cancer in every seven minutes.
The good news is that Cervical Cancer is now curable if diagnosed in early stage and can also be prevented in women by vaccination. Doctors recommend three doses of vaccine for all women in age group of 945 years. Earlier the vaccine is given, better is the protection.
Leading doctors recommend annual screen for cervical cancer in all women of age more than 30 years.
Cervical Cancer can be cured by radiotherapy, surgery or chemotherapy depending on stage of the disease.
Following the noble campaign of Jo’s Trust UK, I am starting this campaign on India level. I am sharing my #SmearforSmear Selfie here on blog and sharing it over my social networks.
How to Take Part in #SmearforSmear Selfie Campaign
- Put on your lipstick
- Smear your lipstick and take a selfie.
- Upload it on social network
- Nominate three friends to take part in #SmearforSmear Selfie campaign.
Do not forget to tag your friends when you nominate them for this campaign. You can post it on official Facebook page of Kitty Groups Online or Twitter handle Kitty_Groups. Share this post more and more with your SmearaSmear Selfie to create awareness of this deadly disease.
Let’s make India free from Cervical Cancer.