Shapes and Colors Tambola Tickets: Kitty Party Games

Shapes and Colors Tambola Tickets

Holi is just around the corner and ladies might be looking for some relevant Holi theme tambola tickets for sure. Today I am sharing an interesting Shapes and Colors Tambola Tickets which can be used in your holi theme kitty party. However, this tambola ticket can be used anytime without any theme too. You can play this tambola with kids in a birthday party too or may in an interactive Bingo session in your Office party.

Shapes and Colors Tambola Ticketscolors and shapes tambola ticket kitty party

Things Required

  • Shapes and Colors Tambola Tickets
  • Tambola Board and number

How To Play with Shapes and Colors Tambola Tickets

  • This tambola game is to be played with regular tambola board and numbers.
  • The dividends in this game are the colors names and shapes names.
  • Members get to claim the prize when the concerned numbers in their ticket are cut.

These tambola tickets are available for sale. This ticket costs Rs 15 per piece. Do leave your comment if you want to buy these Shapes and Colors Tambola Tickets for your Holi kitty party next month.


  1. pl send us some games for easter, if possible a easter housie game. Also put up a blank format of the hoil tickets without the nos printed, we can take a print and write the nos manually.


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