Perfect Daddy and Kid Game

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Today I am sharing a very different game from my usual categories of kitty party games and couple party games. This is a perfect Daddy and Kid Game. You can play this game in your kids birthday party or in any of your family reunion parties.

Perfect Daddy and Kid Game

perfect daddy and kid game
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Things Required

Nachos Chips and nothing else.

How To Play

  • To play this game in any your parties, first call daddy with his child to the play area.
  • Daddys will sit on the chair with their hands tied behind.
  • The kid will stand behind as shown in the picture above.
  • Some nachos will be kept on the table and the kids have to take the nachos from the table and feed their daddys.
  • The daddy-kid duo who finishes the nachos first will be the winner or you can keep it as a one minute party game and keep it as the daddy-kid duo who finishes maximum number of nachos in one minute will be the winner of this game.

Usually daddys and mummys feed the kids but in this perfect daddy and kid game, the kids will feed their daddys.

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