Ordering something from Street Style Store? Beware!!!


See what you buy and what you get. I recently came around this post on one of my Facebook groups where the buyer is cheated by the seller. I have always been telling that one should be very careful before buying anything online.

Online Shopping Alert: Street Style Storestreet

As per the picture and discussion posted in this group, Street Style Store cheated them by showing an amazing beautiful picture of footwear but delivered a pathetic looking replica.

A user from Jersey City, NJ, United States ordered these super-stylish footwear Tie up gladiator sandals “Penny Lane” from the online shopping store but received a pathetic replica. You can check the original post here. 

Street Style Store is an online store selling ladies footwear and clothes. Beautifully designed this web-store has a huge collection of IMAGES of designer footwear and clothing line. Read it again, I said IMAGES…Yes they show the images of designer wear but send you the poor looking replicas. However, it is our own responsibility to be careful and not fall for the cheap price offered in these online stores.

The footwear is priced at Rs 700 whereas the original footwear showcased on ETSY is priced for $183 which makes somewhere around Rs. 11500. There is a huge difference is price and so there has to be a difference in quality too. Nothing in this world comes for free. 

What I feel is that its not just the store’s fault, its also us who fall for the cheap price tag and buy the items online without any research. The store’s fault is to deceive you with the wrong image and that certainly is punishable. We can’t really stop them doing so but all we can do is to share such complaints over the web so that women around the world get careful about them.

This is just one experience I am sharing with you all, Street Style Store has been fooling the customers since long. See what happened when I shared this post on my social networking groups


Do not forget to share this post as much as you can so that we can stop these fraudulent online sellers who cheat people by showing the deceived images.


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