Roll On The Tissue Roll : Funny Game For Your Party

kitty party games ideas

Kitty Party Games Ideas . My website has many different party games ideas. Some of them are very interesting and unique and some of them are simple and common ones. I have the party ides for all ages and all types of parties. In my huge list of party games today I am adding another interesting and funny game. The name is Roll On The Tissue Roll.

Kitty Party Games Ideas

For playing this game in your ladies kitty party, you meed two rolls of tissue paper and a big rod. Either assign two members to hold the rod or fix it somewhere. Insert two tissue paper rolls in the rod and you are ready to play the game. The image below makes it clear how you have to put the rolls in the rod.

Kitty party games ideas

Now when  the rod and tissue rolls are ready, call a member to play the game. This game suits well if you have teams in your kitty party because it would not comfortable to play this game with all 20-22 members in the kitty. So, call one member from each team to play this game.

kitty party games ideas

As you see in the image above the player now has to unroll the tissue rolls. This is not a one minute party game and the decision will be taken according to the time one take to unroll it completely. The member who takes minimum time to unroll the tissue roll will bag a point for her team.

This seems to s simple but it is easier said than done. It is not easy to unroll the tissue roll with both hands and especially when there is a pressure of doing it in minimum time.

Do leave a comment below if you like my kitty party games ideas in my website and also feel free to share your own party games and ideas here.



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