Independence Day Theme Kitty Party Games


It’s the month of August and we have so many themes for our kitty parties this month. The most popular is the Teej theme kitty party and then comes the Independence Day Theme. So, in this post, I will share some of my Independence Day Theme Kitty Party Games. Honestly, I don’t have many ideas for this theme but will try to give you the best ones I have.

5 Independence Day Theme Kitty Party GamesINDEPENDANCE DAY KITTY PARTY GAMES

Quiz Time– In the first game you can ask the questions related to our nation and this national festival. Make sure you keep the simple questions and not make it a GK competition. If you have too many members of your kitty party, you can make the teams first and then play this quiz.

Flags- To play this game in your Independence Day Theme Kitty Party, you need the tricolor sating ribbons. In this game, the members have to tie the satin ribbons on their hands as our national flag. You can play it in two ways, either ask the members to tie it on their own hands or call them in pairs to play the game wherein they will tie the ribbons in each other hands. The member or the pair who makes the maximum number of flags will be the winner.

Bollywood – We have many Bollywood movies and songs based on the patriotism so in this game you can ask members to write the patriotic songs or movies on a paper in one minute. The member of the team doing the best will be the winner of course.

Make Flags– This is a blindfold game and the challenge for the members is to make the Indian flags on a paper with their eyes blindfolded. The member or the team performing the best will certainly be the winner of this game.

Know the world- This is again a paper game for your Independence Day Theme Kitty Party. The host has to make a game sheet with the pictures of worldwide flags. This is one minute game and the challenge for the members is to identify the flags and write it on the paper in one minute. The best player gets the prize.

So this was my list of 5 best Independence Day theme kitty party games. I hope you liked these simple game ideas and it will help you in planning your kitty party.

Do leave your comments below if you have any other ideas and want me to add them here in this list, I will be more than happy to share the games under your name.



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