Independence Day Tambola: 15th August Kitty Party

independence day tambola

It’s mid-July already and as we all know next month we have our Independence Day on 15th August. So if you are planning to throw an Independence Day Theme Kitty Party, I have a special Independence Day Tambola Ticket.

Independence Day Tambola Ticket

 independence day tambola

Things required

  • Independence Day Tambola Ticket printouts
  • Tambola numbers
  • Tambola board

How To Play Idependence Day Tambola Tickey

Get the printouts of the tickets above and write two numbers in each man in the picture.

The dividends in the game will be

  • I am hindu- when two numbers in hindu man are cut
  • I am sikh- when two numbers in sikh man are cut
  • I am Madrasi- when two man in south indian man are cut
  • I am Parsi-when two numbers in parsi man are cut
  • I am baniya-when two numbers in baniya man are cut
  • I am marathi-when two numbers in marathi man are cut
  • I am musalman-when two numbers in musalman man are cut
  • I am jain-when two numbers in jain man are cut
  • I am christian-when two numbers in christian man are cut
  • Saare jahan se accha Hindustan hamara-full house

Keep small amount of prizes for smaller dividends and big for the full house. You can keep 2-3 house and call them as Happy Independence Day, Saare jahan se accha Hindustan hamara and United We Stand.



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