How To Plan A Perfect Kitty Party At Home

how to plan a perfect kitty party at home

There are basic rules for hosting a good party which you can not ignore or afford to overlook. There are a lot of details to be taken care of when you are planning a party -seating arrangements, dietary preferences, choice of soups, wines or desserts, place and table decor and music – if thought of in advance and taken care of, makes your party well enjoyed and well remembered by all your guests and your popularity graph will shoot up, naturally.

How To Plan A Perfect Kitty Party At Home

Plan your party beforehand

Planning ahead much before a party date is your magic wand. Not only you reduce the chance to forget anything, you get time to choose quality things at a bargain, think about tastes and liking of your guests and accommodate them in your planning, inviting guests well before time is also very important as guests can reschedule other things to attend your party. If you are hosting the party outside of your home you get time to reserve a hall or area at a good price. Also plan a good kitty party invitation according to the theme

Planning your Kitty party menu

It is a very important aspect of How To Plan A Perfect Kitty Party At Home. Some like it spicy, some like it simple, kids want a lot of sweets, elders want food which digests easily, young ones want it plateful, many will expect soups to be served before lunch or dinner. What to serve and what not? You may also want to prefer calling some of the knowledgeable guests and tell them to help you fix the menu. Not only you make them feel important, but you will also find them taking care of how well it is running at the time of a party. Keep a good stock of crockery and towels etc. ready. Just one item per guest may put you in an embarrassing situation sometimes. Also keep mops, buckets and other items you need for cleanup if something is spilled, broken or dropped during serving.

Dress Code For Party

If there is any dress code for the party, it MUST be specified in the invitation. Your guests will feel irritated, particularly towards you if only some of them are without the dress code. They naturally feel out of place or even unwanted and it will result in their anger. If others are in jeans, shorts, and t-shirts, a person in extremely formal costly party dress would like to leave. If no special attire is required, let them know in the invitation. You don’t want to turn friends into enemies, right?

Setting the mood of the party

It does not require the services of a professional to decorate and furnish a party well. You only need of just a couple of experienced friends to come before time and help you decorate the place properly, make sure music system is working good, there is good choice of music available, sitting arrangement is proper and drinks and food are kept ready on scheduled time. When guests enter the place which is kept ready for a party, the party mood is set right from arrival.

Guests come first – Always

Anything you may want to do otherwise if your guests require things the other way, you give in, in a moment. You want them entertained, so keep it that way. They want music a little bit louder or softer, your preference is sacrificed. It is dinner time and they are so engrossed in the ongoing game and tell you we will have it half an hour later, do not feel they disturbed your planning. Your party is more successful if you keep knowing about what they want next and adjust the schedule accordingly. It is your place and your party but constantly keep in mind that it was arranged for them, not you.

These are basic rules of How To Plan A Perfect Kitty Party At Home. Best luck for your next party !


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