Hilarious Baby Shower Game: Tinkle in the Pot


Tinkle in the pot is a hilarious baby shower game, in fact it is one of the best and naughty games I’ve ever come across. Though, you can play this game in any kind of your parties, but suits best to a baby shower.

Hilarious Baby Shower Gamehilarious baby shower game

Things Required

  • A glass jar
  • Ping Pong balls
  • Big sized balloons

How To Play

  • Call the guests one by one to the playing area and give them a balloon, and three ping pong balls each.
  • Each player puts a balloon under their shirt while holding a ping pong ball between their knees.
  • Player must waddle down the line and drop the ball into a jar.
  • This is a one minute baby shower game and the guest who put maximum number of balls in the jar in a minute will be the winner



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