Fun Party Games : Tic-Toc Tic-Toc Clipboard Tennis

team building games for workplace

Fun Party Games . Today I am adding a new category fun party games in my blog and here is the first addition in this list. Trust me it is a real fun party game and will definitely double quotient of fun in your party, no matter it is a kitty party, an office party or even a birthday party.

Things you need –

To play this fun party game, you need a few clip boards,buckets, strings and many table tennis balls.

It would be easier and better to divide the party members into couples for this game but you can also play if you have teams in your party. If you have teams, call two members from each team and if you have couples you can call 3-4 couples at a time to play this game. fun party games

This is not a one minute party game but you will give ten balls, a clipboard and a bucket to each couple. One of the members in couple will tie the clip board to their waist using a string. Now when the time starts, one member will start throwing the balls and the other member will stop those balls using the clipboard tied in their waist. The image above will make it all clear to you. The couple who manage to pt the maximum number of balls in the bucket will be the winner of this game.

Hope I am clear with the game above but you can always leave a comment below if you have any doubt regarding this game.


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