Fun Christmas Party Games : Be A Reindeer This Christmas


Are you looking for fun Christmas Party Games? If yes, this page will help you out. When we are talking about Christmas party celebrations, how can we forger about the reindeer. Reindeer plays an important role in Christmas stories and Christmas celebration of course. Santa Clause comes on Reindeer to give away the gifts on Christmas and in this game the player has to become a Reindeer to get the gift.

Christmas Party Games With Reindeer Antlers

fun christmas party games

As I always say, if you have teams divided in your kitty, call one member from each team to play this game and if not you can also play it as an individual game with every member. But remember that playing an individual game would take more time, so if you are in short of time, it is always recommended to divide your guests into teams. This is one of the best and fun Christmas party games for all ages.

Things you need for this game-

  • Vaseline Petroleum Jelly
  • Pim Pom balls
  • Strings
  • Fake Reindeer Antlers

Before you start game apply Vaseline on player’s nose and the Reindeer’s horns on their head. Place string with a ball attached in the mouth. When the time starts, player may begin moving his/her head in an attempt to get the ball to stay on their petroleum jelly covered nose. Players can not use their hands in any way. The ball must rest on the player’s nose for at least 5-8 seconds and the player will get just 60 seconds to make these attempts.

If the string falls out of the player’s mouth, they can pick it up and place it back in their mouth. It will create more fun if you hang a bell in the player’s neck just as we see in America’s famous Reindeer’s neck.

If you have any doubt with this game or any other fun Christmas party games here, you can leave your query below in the comment box. I am here to solve your queries always.

Merry Christmas and have a great kitty party ahead.




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