Musical Hula Hoop: Fun Karva Chauth Party Game

fun couple party game

We have been playing Musical Chair party game since ages and today suddenly I recalled another fun couple party game with somewhat a similar name. It is Musical Hula hoop. A couple game which is very much different from the common musical chair game. We once played this game in our couple kitty party and today when Karva Chauth is just around the corner, this game will suit best to your couple parties.

Fun Couple Party Game For Karva Chauth Party

fun couple party game

As the name suggests, this is a musical game and you need to keep your music system ready for this game. Call all couples in the playing area and make them stand back-to-back as shown in the image below. Ask all couples to stand in a row and explain them the game. When the music starts, the couple has to take the hula hoop from their toe to head and pass it to the next couple standing in the line. When the music stops, the couple with Hula Hoop on will be out of the game and the game starts again with  the music. If your friends are uncomfortable standing back to back, you can make them stand facing each other, it won’t make much difference.

While going through one of my old diaries I noticed this funny couple party game. This is a nice and funny game to be played in couple kitty party. It is an old game and we played it long back in our couple kitty party, so you might already be aware of it.

I hope the above fun couple party game is clear to you but if you have any doubt regarding this game, feel free to leave a comment below in the comment box. I will get in touch with you as soon as possible.



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