If you are looking for some fun activities for kids, this post might suit your search. Here I am sharing a fun filled activities for kids of all ages. This activity seems simple but it is an interesting game to be played with kids. The best party is that you don’t need to do much of homework for this game. To play this game or to conduct this fun activity with your kids, you just need colourful paper notes and aper clips.
Fun Activities For Kids
Fun Activity For Kids With Paper Notes
As the picture below shows the kids have to paste the paper notes on themselves in this game. You can also make it a team game where the team members will paste the notes on one of their members. The team finishing the notepad first will be declared the winner of this game. This is one of the simplest yet most interesting fun activities for kids to be played in some birthday parties or some picnics. Get some colourful sticky notepads and let children have fun with them.

Fun Activity For Kids With Paper Clips
This is a fun activity to be played with a big group of kids and in-fact one of the funniest fun activities for kids in big groups. You can play this game in some school picnic or in a birthday party with lots of kids. You just need many paper clips for this game. Be ready with your paper clips at the entrance of your party hall and give 5 paper clips to each kid entering into the hall. Now what the kids have to do is to attach those paper clips on other’s clothes without letting them know. In the end of the party, the kid with no pin or minimum number of pins on his shirt will be the winner.