Friendship Day Party Games Ideas : Have Fun With Friends


Friendship Day Party Games Ideas. Thanks to these Friendship Day party ideas, that we can celebrate the friendship day as good as a Christmas or Halloween. First Sunday of August is the friendship day and is a great day to have fun with friends. 

Friendship Day Party Games Ideas

Check out the International Friendship Day Party Ideas. Friends add a great meaning to the flow of life. They come and go, new friends arrive, others marry, or drop out of your life then later return. So by celebrating Friendship day, we get the chance to say a HUGE thanks! Throw a Friendship Day party to acknowledge your friends – near and far.

Friendship Day Invitation Ideas

To make the invite more interactive and lovable, you can invite your friends over a large collage card. You can add the pictures of all your friends to make a large collage. Keep a black space in any corner of the collage to write the details of the party like time, venue and party attractions etc.

Decoration Ideas for Friendship Day Party

What else could be better than the old pictures of you with your friends. Yes you can decorate the party hall with your pictures with your friends, your college trip pictures, and also some posters of famous celebrity friends.

Activities and Games For Friendship Day Party Ideas

1. Friendship Day Bingo Tickets – (Friendship Day Tambola Tickets)FRIENDSHIP DAY BINGO TICKETSYou can order the colorful and attractive Friendship Day Bingo Tickets for your Friendship Day party. This bingo ticket has 6 dividends and the full house is to be called as Friends Forever. These bingo tickets are available for sale and if you want to place your order you can leave a comment belo. 

2. Make a Friendship BandFriendship Day Party Games Ideas

To play this party game you need double sided tape, straws and thermochol balls. Keep the balls in a plate and tie the double sides tape on players’ hand. Now when the time starts the player have to suck a thermocol ball from the plate using straw and stick it on the tape tied on the hand.They have to stick maximum balls on the tape in one minute so as to make it look like a friendshipband. Every member in the party will play this game and the player who sticks maximum number of balls on the tape will be the winner of this party game.

4. I Scream For Ice-Creamfriendship day party games ideas

Divide all your guests or family members in couples, ask all of them to blindfold. Now make the couples sit one behind the other as you can see in the picture below. The member sitting in the front will tie his/her hands on the back, and the member sitting on the back will take a spoon and feed the member sitting ahead. Keep a bowl of ice-cream in front of the members and the member sitting behind will feed the member sitting ahead. The couple who finishes the ice-cream first will win this friendship party game.

4. Know Your Friends’ Names

This is one of the best and unique Friendship Day Party Games Ideas. Give one paper and a pen to every guest in the friendship day party. Do write the mirror image of names of all guests on the paper. The members will get one minute to guess the correct names of the guests in the party. Check the image below, it will help you understanding the game.

friendship ship day party games ideas




5.  Blind and Deaf – This is one of the most famous childhood games I have played and you can also list is as one of the best Friendship Day Party Games Ideas. This game is also to be played in pairs , so better divide all your guests in pairs. Now blindfold one of them and give each pair a common task, for example shifting balloons from one place to other. This is again a one minute game and the members will get a minute to complete the task. The member with open eye will guide the partner to complete the task. This is a team game and suits best for the friendship day theme party.

6. Ready Spaghetti – 

This is a couple party games and can be played in both couple kitty party as well as ladies kitty party. To play this game, you first have to pair up the members in couples. Call two members to play this game and give them spaghetti and a few empty canes. The couple has to lift the cane with the spaghetti and shift it from one table to another table nearby. This is a one minute game and thus, the players will get just one minute. The only rule is that if the couple breaks the spaghetti, they will be disqualified. The couple who manages to shift maximum number of canes without breaking the spaghetti will win the game. This game is all about team work and thus it suits best as one of the friendship day party games ideas.

one minute games for adults

Menu For Friendship Day Party Games Ideas

You can keep anything which your friends like to have. Do remember to keep some of the favourite dishes of your close friends. So these were my Friendship Day Party Games Ideas, and do share with me if you have some other such ideas for a friendship day party.

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  1. can u send me some games for ladies on friendship day. the ones above are mostly for couples. they are good but when i informed my friends they were not very happy

    • Hey Shazia, I have added a few games for friendship day theme party, do check other categories of party games in the website, I am sure you will get something for your party. Thanks


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