Funny Baby Shower Games For Girls : Hold it Tight


Funny Baby Shower Games For Girls. This is one of the crazy baby shower games to be played in the baby shower parties. We played this baby shower game only with ladies but you can also play it with men. In this baby shower game all you need is a few balloons. Try getting the big and small sizes balloons as it will increase the fun in this crazy baby shower game.

Although, the picture is making the game clear and I do not need to explain any thing but still I would like to tell you how to play this baby shower game.

Funny Baby Shower Games For Girls

funny baby shower games for girls

The image above says it all but I have to explain the game as I always do. Call the ladies one by one and they have to shift the balloons from one end of the room to the other room. Ladies will hold the balloons between their thighs. Won’t it be great fun?

Yes it will be. Trust me this seems like other simple baby shower games but it is very interesting to play as well as to see. This is a one of my funny baby shower games for girls and it is easier said than done. What I mean is that it is not so easy to handle the balloon in between the thigh and run from a point to other. This create lots of fun and it is really funny and interesting to watch our friends struggling to pass the balloon from one place to other without fail. This is usually played as one minute party game but you can also make it on count. For example the lady who managed  to transit 5 balloons in minimum time will win or so.

Well, that’s entirely upon you. You can customize the game according to your guests , space and timings. Have fun.

Feel free to ask me any questions regarding this baby shower games. You can leave your comment in the comment box below.


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