Christmas Tambola- Theme Based Tambola Ticket

christmas tambola ticket

Christmas Tambola- Theme Based Tambola Ticketchristmas-tambola-ticket

If you often attend a kitty party, you might certainly be aware of the famous kitty party game, Tambola. It is also known as the housie game. This is one of the most common games played in ladies kitty party or even at the couple kitty party.

Tambola earlier was played in the standard way with its simple Tambola Tickets, but we at out kitty play different types of Tambolas. Today I am sharing the Christmas Tambola here in my post and I will soon come up with more Theme based tambola tickets. Here is the image of the Tambola Ticket we played in our Christmas Theme Kitty Party. This tambola ticket is the best for your Christmas party






    • Sorry Dolly..I don’t sell them. Created this blog just to have fun with my online kitty party members. You can download the ticket from HERE and get it printed from any cyber cafe in your locale.

  1. Hi Shiwangi,
    I am Puja Anand Agarwal, from Aligarh. It is my son’s 13th birthday party & we are expecting nearly 60 guests of all age groups, some are above 60years and some are 6years old. Some children, couples and some grand parents. Shiwangi can you please suggest me some games & some different kind of tambola tickets for the party. Please kindly consider the rates as the number of guests is too much it must be cost effective too.
    With kind regards,
    Puja Anand Agarwal.

  2. Hi Shivangi, I am hosting a Christmas theme kitty party day after. How can I get the christmas themed tambola tickets as soon as that?

    • Oh Neha, that would really not be possible to send you the Christmas theme tambola tickets by day-after. I am so sorry but you should have asked for it at least 3-4 days before 🙂


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