HOAX ALERT: Better safe than sorry Channel 13 News


Better safe than sorry Channel 13 News is a HOAX. Facebook hasn’t really made any changes in their privacy policy and they are not going to charge you any $5.99 to keep your status updates private.

My Facebook timeline is full of this Hoax status update where most of my friends are copying and pasting the status update thinking they are actually negating the copyright. It’s an appeal to all my friends, that please do a bit of research before falling into any rumour and spreading it around.

Better Safe Than Sorry Channel 13 News is a Hoaxbetter safe than sorry channel 13 news is hoax

People nowadays are tempted to share whatever they see on social media. Investigate a bit before you share anything. Even if you shared it from somewhere else, you are responsible for spreading it around. I am amazed to see that many of my smart and educated people are sharing this status update which says that It’s Official and Facebook has released the entry fee of $5.99 to keep your subscription private.

The Hoax status update looks like this-

Now it’s official! It has been published in the media. Facebook has just released the entry price: $5.99 to keep the subscription of your status to be set to “private”. If you paste this message on your page, it will be offered free (paste not share) if not tomorrow, all your posts can become public. Even the messages that have been deleted or the photos not allowed. After all, it does not cost anything for a simple copy and paste.

The fact is that we actually grant Facebook a permission to use our photographs and status updates if we share it on their website, subject to our privacy settings. If one really want to keep the things private they have to change the privacy settings manually.

Facebook has updated on its wall that Facebook will always be free for its users. facebook is free hoax alert

Facebook spokesperson Andrew Noyes said in a statement, “We have noticed some statements that suggest otherwise, and we wanted to take a moment to remind you of the facts: When you post things like photos to Facebook, we do not own them. Under our terms, you grant Facebook permission to use, distribute and share the things you post, subject to the terms and applicable privacy settings.”

Be Smart and Search Before You Share Any Such News. 


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