Dil ki baat Rango Ke Saath: Best Holi Kitty Party Game

best holi kitty party game

This is by far the best holi kitty party game in the category of written one-minute games. This can be played with any age group of ladies and can be played in any language, may it be Hindi or English whatever suits your members.

Best Holi Kitty Party Gamebest holi kitty party game


इस गेम मे आपको अपने पतिदेव को खत लिख कर बताना है कि आप होली पर उन्हे मिस कर रही हैं। इस खत में आपको अलग-अलग रगों के नाम लिखने है।

How to Play

  • In this game, the challenge is to write a letter to your husband using maximum colours names in it.
  • The rule is that players cannot use more than three colours in one sentence.
  • The TSecond rule is that the letter has to be sensible.
  • Incomplete sentences won’t be counted.
  • Ask everyone to read their letter aloud in the end. It’s hilarious.
  • The player who writes the best letter with maximum numbers of colours will be the winner.
  • Do like the post if you likes this best holi kitty party game.


  1. Hello Shiwangi Veena here .I am organizing April fool kitty party .please send me some on e minute ( written& activity game for me


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