Beauty Pageant Theme Party : Fashion Fiesta


It was a Beauty Pageant Theme Party in our ladies club this month and it was one of the best themes I’ve ever attended. Right from the decor, to games, to menu everything was just perfect. I couldn’t actually stop sharing my experiences of this wonderful beauty pageant theme party of Diva club.

Beauty Pageant Theme Party Ideas Beauty Pageant Theme Party Ideas

Invitations for Beauty Pageant Theme Party

“Hello lovely and stunning Divas, are you ready to wear the crown?

Make yourself free from all regular work and groom yourself ”

We will be waiting for you at

“Miss Diva Beauty Pageant 2014”

Decoration and Dress-code for Beauty Pageant Theme Party

beauty pageant theme party ideas

The entire party hall was decorated as a fashion fiesta. The tables and chairs were covered with pink and black coloured clothes. There was a ramp in the middle of the hall and a DJ of course for the music for ramp walking. beauty pagean theme party decor
The members were asked to come in ethnic fashion wear and not to be mentioned that the ladies were donned in superbly stylish and ethnic outfits. beauty pageant theme party ideas

Games and Activities Beauty Pageant Theme Party Ideas

Game # 1 – The party started with a warm welcome from the host and a specially designed tambola. The Tambola tickets were specially designed for the theme. beauty pageant theme party ideas tambola

Game # 2– The next game was a contest for selection of 4 different TITLES from each team. The titles were


  • Chikni Chameli
  • Love Your Smile
  • Hottie
  • Fall in Love

One contestant was called for each TITLE and the winner was chosen by the judges according to their overall performance on the ramp. beauty pageant theme party ideas

Game # 3- Third game was to dress up a member of our team with a newspaper dress. Each team got  a table full of newspapers, hair clips, and safety pins. We got 2 minutes of time to dress up our model with a newspaper dress. The best dress got the award.

Game # 4- Last game of the beauty pageant theme party was a selfie contest. The host had many different cutouts arrange on a table in the corner of the party hall and every team got 2 minutes to pose and click a selfie. The best selfie got the award. 10603743_10204367091398616_7829751252246457977_n

Other activities in Beauty Pageant Theme Party –

The judges selected best 8 contestants from 70 members and then best 5 and finally best were awarded as Diva Queen, first runner up and second runner up. Every winner in the party was awarded a crown of flowers. It was an ultimate fun time and one of the best theme party.

I hope you liked the beauty Pageant Theme Party ideas here. Do leave a comment if you want any help from my side to arrange any of your kitty party themes or games.


  1. i want to host a beauty peageant theme kitty party….we are a group of 20 members in a kitty….do suggest mesome other games for the party….

  2. Hi Shivangi. loved the games and the themes that u hv given above. I really loved the fashion peagent theme. I wanted to incorporate it in the teej function fr my daughter in law’s 1st teej. Can u give me some idea as to how I shd do it ? Thanx

    • Thank you so much Seema for this lovely comment. I am so glad to know that you want to celebrate your daughter in law’s first teej wonderfully. Yes you can use these games in your teej function. Do let me know how can I help you

  3. Hi shivangi I want to host a beauty paegent theme kitty party .Pl suggest some other game .Is this tambola ticket available? what is the cost of each ?


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