Funny Baby Shower Games For Men : Pee As Much As You Can


Funny Baby Shower Games For Men . I know you might be laughing hard seeing this picture. Trust me we were in the same position when played this baby shower game. This is one of the most hilarious baby shower games I have ever played in any baby shower party. Well, you can arrange this baby shower game in your baby shower only if you have dare enough men in your guests list.

Funny Baby Shower Games For Men

funny baby shower games for men

I am calling it as one of the funny baby shower games for men because  only men will play this baby shower game and for arranging this game in your baby shower you need an outdoor space where you can spill out the water. You might also need two big tubs filled with water and 2 mugs and adult diapers. Bring the diapers according to men in your guest list.

To play this baby shower game, men have to wear the diapers and then they will sit in the tub filled with water –> run to the mug and squeeze the diaper to ooze out the water in the mug. They actually have to fill the mug, the player doing this in least time will win this diaper race.

This is actually a hilarious baby shower game and I am sure you will love the fun and laughter in your baby shower party when men in the party actually play this game. Before you arrange this game in your baby shower party make sure that your male friends will be comfortable playing this game.

Hope I am clear with the game. If you have any doubt you can leave your comment below in the comment box. I always here to solve your queries.

Include this hilarious game in the list of your baby shower games and trust me you will never regret. Do let me know if you liked this game..



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