PeeBuddy: Girl’s Best Friend For Unfriendly Toilets

women stand and pee

Say big NO to dirty toilets with Pee Buddy. Holding Pee is harder than holding tears, but not anymore. Hey girls you can now stand and pee.

“I wish I could stand and pee”. This is a common thought which comes in a girl’s mind when she has to pee in the dirty toilets in public places, or in an elderly lady’s mind who is diagnosed with arthritis. Ladies having knee problems and difficulty squatting in Indian toilets will love this product.women stand and pee

Dirty public toilets in restraint, malls, theatres etc. often force us to hold our pee which is very difficult and painful. But we don’t have to suffer that pain anymore because Peebudy brings a revolutionary products for women who hate to pee in dirty public toilets. This could also be a bliss for pregnant women or the one with severe joint pain.

PeeBuddy is a simple to use disposable product for women which lets them Stand and Pee in unacceptable conditions. It is made of a coated waterproof paper and very handy.

Why to Use PeeBuddy

Diseases spread through poor sanitation are the fifth biggest killer of women worldwide, causing more deaths than AIDS, diabetes or breast cancer, researchers say. It’s not a secret that public bathroom are germ ridden places, even the toilet seats which are visibly clear are not free from the dangerous germs. You may hover over the sear, pour some water over it or you’d rather make a paper nest to protect yourself, you are still not 100% safe from the bacteria residing over there. Regardless of your choice of protection, you’re not alone when avoiding the public seat, PeeBuddy can help you here. Next time you find dirty toilets don’t hesitate to stand and pee….. Your friend pee buddy is here.

Peeing is a very painful and serious problem for the elderly ladies with problems like Osteoporosis and arthritis. PeeBuddy can be a bliss to them. Leading doctors are now recommending this product to ladies.

“The Pee Buddy is a good product for women who travel and for elderly women with joint replacement surgeries. It is hygienic and comfortable to use and will help in keeping infection at bay”. says Dr. Meenakshi Sauhta from Max Healthcare Delhi. 

How to Use PeeBuddy

  • Gently Press the top front and back to POP open the Pee-Buddy
  • Move panties aside. Place the open end of the funner / pee-buddy between your legs right under the flow area.
  • Tilt hips / bend a little, ensure the funnel is tilted downwards. Relax and Pee.
  • TDispose off in the bin.

I’ve personally ordered it for myself, my mom who is 75 and can’t sit on the Indian toilet, my aunt who has severe knee problems since last many years. It is a luxury for us, very convenient and easy to use, hence I would highly recommend it to all my readers.

Just go the PeeBuddy and order your pack there.

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