10 Best Games For Ganpati Theme Kitty Party


Arranging a Ganpati theme kitty party will surely be more fun and festive if you play some interesting one minute kitty party games based on the theme. Today I am sharing a list of 10 best games for ganpati theme kitty party. Do let me know if you like the games.

Best games for Ganpati theme kitty party

  1. Make Swastikladies kitty diwali party games

Swastik is the symbol of Ganpati ji and thus you can keep a one minute game where the players have to make as many swastiks as they can using the match sticks. The time limit for this game is one minute.

  1. Ganpati Bollywood Songsganesh chaturthi one minute game

In this game you can either make a game sheet with pictures of Ganpati bollywood songs and let the players recognize the songs or you can also challenge them to write the Ganpati songs from bollywood in one minute. You can download the Ganpati Bollywood Songs game sheet here. 

  1. Rangoli Competetionganpati rangoli competetion

No Indian festival is complete without the rangoli decoration, so it is always a good idea to keep a rangoli competetion in your ganpati theme kitty party.

  1. Ganpati Haar Vandana

This is one of the best games for ganpati theme kitty party. In this game the players will get equal numbers of flowers, a needle and a thread and the challenge for the players is to make a garland and put it on the idol of Lord ganesh. The member who does it first will be the winner of this game Ganpati haar vandana.

  1. Diya decoration

In this game the players have to make the Swastik symbol or Ohm symbol using the Indian diyas. The team or the member who makes maximum number of swastik with diya will be the winner. Making swastik with diyas is not that easy , the time limit in this game is 2 minutes. diwali party games diya

  1. Ganpati tere kitne naam

This is again a one minute party for the ganpati theme kitty party. In this game the members have to write various names of Lord ganesha in one minute. The member or the team who gets maximum names in one minute will be the winner of this game.

  1. Ganpati Naam Darshanbest games for ganpati theme kitty party

This is word grid game where the players have to search for the lord ganesha names from a grid of letters. This is again a one minute game and the challengers will get just a minute to win it. You can download the sheet from HERE. 

  1. Puja thali decoration

You can keep a competition of aarti thal decoration as one of the Games For Ganpati Theme Kitty Party . Ask the members to bring their decorated thali from home and the best decorated thali will win the award. Any thali bought from the market wont be qualified in this game.

  1. Pujan Vidhi Shabd

This is again a letter grid game where the members have to search the words related to pujan vidhi in Ganesh chaturthi. The member or the team who finds maximum correct words will be the winner of this game.

  1. Ganpati TambolaGANPATI TAMBOLA

This is a specially designed Ganpati tambola ticket which suits best to the Ganpati theme kitty party games and ideas. These tickets are available on sale, if you want to place your order, please leave a comment below in the comment box and our team will get in touch with you.

Hope you liked the list of our best games for Ganpati theme kitty party. Do let us know if you need any help in arranging your kitty party.

Jai Ganesha




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