Paper Party Games – Interesting Word Puzzle # 2


Paper Party Games – Locate the countries

This is an interesting word puzzle and can be played as paper party games in your kitty party. It is a simple yet interesting paper party game. This is one minute party game, but if your members insist you can give them two minutes time. First explain the game and then distribute the paper games to each member. Ask them to first write their name and start the time. As soon as your stop watch indicates ask every member to drop the pen.

Here are ten sentences written and each sentence include two names of countries. Check if you can find all the twenty country names in the sentences below.

I am not posting the answers here. Leave your comment below in the comment box to get the answers. I will soon mail you the answers as soon as I notice your comment here.

Do not forget to tell me how was the game 🙂 Enjoy

paper party games. kitty party
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Click Here To Get ANSWERS


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