10 Best Kitty Party Games For Ladies

Crack The Canes

Best Kitty Party Games For Ladies.  Kitty Party culture is growing in almost every city in India today and a kitty party is all about funny party games, gossips and fun. Kittygroups.com has more than 500 kitty party games for ladies and to make it more convenient I am bringing a list of 10 best kitty party games for ladies. Check out the list below and have fun in your kitty party.

10 Best Kitty Party Games For Ladies

1. Roll On Tissues : For playing this game in your ladies kitty party, you meed two rolls of tissue paper and a big rod. Either assign two members to hold the rod or fix it somewhere. Insert two tissue paper rolls in the rod and you are ready to play the game. The image below makes it clear how you have to put the rolls in the rod. Now when the rod and tissue rolls are ready, call a member to play the game. This game suits well if you have teams in your kitty party because it would not comfortable to play this game with all 20-22 members in the kitty. So, call one member from each team to play this game. The member who takes minimum time to unroll the tissue roll will bag a point for her team.

kitty party games for ladies

2. Melon Cards – This is the 2nd game in my list of best Kitty Party Games For Ladies. You need a big, red water melon and few packs of card and two tables of course. These things are easily available and you can arrange this game in your office parties, kitty parties or even in the birthday parties. Place the two tables at a distance. Try to play this game at home first to set the distance. On one table keep the watermelon as shown in the picture below and on the other table keep the packs of cards.party games with melon and card

Now call the members one by one to play this game. Every member will get one minute to throw maximum cards to the watermelon. The member who sticks maximum number of cards in one minute will be the winner of this game. This is again one minute party game and thus player will get one minute to play the game. The player will come near the cards table and host will start the stop watch. The player then has to throw the card in such a way to stuck it in the watermelon. Kids love to throw the artifacts and this I feel that this could be one of the very interesting kids party games. The player who sticks maximum cards in the melon will win this party game. This game will end your search if you are looking for best kitty party games for ladies.

3. Try Being Elephant- You might need a few stockings for this game and a few plastic bottles. Call the players one by one to play this party game and ask them to wear the stocking over their head as shown in the picture below. Place a ball in the end of the stocking before they get it onto their head.

Place few bottles filled with water on the ground. You can also use the empty bottles for this party game, but they are lighter and easier to drop down.fun-family-party-games-200x300

This is a one minute party game, and thus the player gets the time limit of one minute where he/she has to hit ball with the trunk made with stockings. The player who hit and drop the maximum number of bottles will win this party games.

4. Make a Friendship Band- To play this party game you need double sided tape, straws and thermochol balls. Keep the balls in a plate and tie the double sides tape on players’ hand. Now when the time starts the player have to suck a thermocol ball from the plate using straw and stick it on the tape tied on the hand.They have to stick maximum balls on the tape in one minute so as to make it look like a friendship band. Every member in the party will play this game and the player who sticks maximum number of balls on the tape will be the winner of this party game. It is one of the unique best kitty party games for ladies. 

kitty party games for ladies


5. Bangles in the Roller Pin- For this party game you need a roller pin and many bangles. Make sure that you have many colored bangles and some red bangles. Keep all those bangles in one big bowl. This is a one minute party game and you have to call the members one by one to play this game. The member who manage to put maximum number of red bangles in the roller pin will be the winner of this game. The rule of the game is that only red bangles will be counted. To increase the difficult level of this game you can blindfold the player before she starts playing the game. Add it in your list of best kitty party games for ladies.kitty party games for ladies6. Poke The Foxnuts- In this game you would need many foxnuts and toothpicks. If you have teams then call one member from each team to play this game or if you want you can also make the players play this game individually. I would always suggest to play the games in teams because diving the members in teams lessens your efforts and time and double the fun and laughter quotient in the kitty party. Try adding this game in your list of best kitty party games for ladies. kitty party games for ladies

To play this game give the players many foxnuts and toothpicks and they have to make the foxnut stand on the table using three toothpicks as you can see in the picture above. The player making maximum number of such arrangements will win the game.

7. Crack the Cane- 

Tie the Pepsi cane to the tissue paper roll and hang it on the long rod. Picture above will make the scene even clear.kitty party games for ladies

Now to start with this one minute party game make the players stand at a distance from the rod and give them the rubber band and the marbles. They have to point the marbles to the tissue paper and have to break the toilet paper. The member or the team who tear the toilet papers first will win this one minute party game.

8. Don’t blow the queen- It is a simple one minute party game, but yet creates good fun. You just need a pack of cards and a plane table to play this game. One player at a time can play this party game. 

Keep the table with a smooth top in the center and spread all the card over it upside down. Spread thecards in such as way that the queens come beneath all the cards. The player have one minute to blow out the cards from the table. The player has to blow the cards in such a way that all cards fell down but the queens stay on the table. The player who managed to make all four queens on the table, wins the game.kitty party games for ladies

9. Dental Cap Delight- This is one of the funniest party games I have ever arranged in my family. This suits best in the list of family party games. In this game the player will use a cap spin to pick up the tooth brush from the bristles from one brush holder and keep it in the other stand kept at a distance. The time limit for this game is 60 seconds and the player has to shift two tooth brushes in the time frame from one holder to other. This is best kitty party games for ladies and also for the birthday parties. kitty party games for ladies

10. Make the longest line- This is one of the best and most funny games for kitty parties, may it be a ladies kitty party or a couple kitty party. I guess this game can also serve as a funny game for office party too. I played this game in my ladies kitty party and believe me members loved to play it.

kitty party games

So this was my list of 10 best kitty party games for ladies. Although you can arrange these games in your kid’s birthday party also but they suit more in the category of best kitty party games for ladies. Do let me know if you have any doubt in the above list of games or any other party games in my website. Leave your comment below if you liked these kitty party games.



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