White Elephant Christmas Party Game : Perfect For Big Crowd

White elephant Christmas party game
Source: blogs.sierraclub.org/

White Elephant Christmas Party Game is one of the most popular fun activities for Christmas. Whether it is a Christmas party with friends, family or an Office Christmas Party, White Elephant Christmas Party Game has been played since years. This is the best gift exchange idea which let the guests relax and interact well with each other. If you haven’t played it yet, make sure you arrange it this Christmas and trust me it will bring some great fun and laughter.

How To Play White Elephant Christmas Party Game

White elephant Christmas party game

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Before you play this game, ask every guest to come with a gift wrapped in a generic box to hide the actual shape of the gift. When all the guests are settled, let everyone draw a number from a decorated bowl or a basket. The person who gets the number ‘1’ will get the chance to draw the gift first from the Christmas Stocking, unwrap it and show it to everyone. The person with number ‘2′ has a choice, he/she can either take the first unwrapped gift or can draw another wrapped gift from the stocking. If he/she takes the gift from person ‘1′, that person will get another chance to draw the gift from stocking and unwrap it and show it to everyone. The game continues in the same way, the person with number ‘3′ can take the unwrapped by that person or draw another one from the stocking.

The White Elephant Christmas Party Game continues until everyone gets a gift. This is the best Christmas Game For Large families, but you need minimum of 6-8 people. The more are guests to play, longer the game will take. If you have around 20 or more guests in your Christmas party, White Elephant Christmas Party Game is best to play.

Note: To make the game more fun and not stress for anyone, set a limit to get the gift under $10 and also ask everyone to bring some useful gift, something one can wear, something one can read or something that one may want or need.


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