Tambola For April Fool Theme Party : Get Ready To Be Fooled

Top 10 office pranks for April Fools' Day

Tambola For April Fool Theme Party . I know my readers and kitty party members online love me a lot and I heartily thank you all for leaving such lovely comments here. Recently I got a comment on my page asking for some Tambola idea for her April Fool Theme Kitty Party. I don’t have much ideas about the fool theme party but yes this tambola seems to be suitable for the same.

Tambola For April Fool Theme Partytambola for april fool theme party

To make fool of your kitty members this April fools day, you can play this tambola in your kitty party. This tambola game will be played just like the normal tambola or housie but there is a small twist in the game which makes it suitable to the theme.

Before you start with the tambola game, make some chits like-

  • Give the gift to lady in your right
  • Give the gift to lady in your left
  • Give the gift to lady in front of you
  • Give the gift to lady wearing red
  • Keep it baby
  • Its your gift darling

Now whenever some member gets a dividend ask her to pick a slip and she has to give her gift to the lady written in the chit. You can also write the names of your kitty members in the chits. This ways we are making the fool of ladies by not giving them the prize. To add more fun, write ‘April Fool Banaya’ on the chits along with the tagline. You can also download the above image and use it as the chits.

Hope I am clear with the specially designed tambola game here. If you have any doubt, feel free to leave a comment in the comment box below. I am right here to help you with your kitty party ideas and games.

Happy Fools Day 😀


  1. Hi shiwangi , thanks alot for ur lovely ideas on fashion theme . Plz help me out for gangaur theme party n games related to that. I’m eagerly waiting for ur reply

    • Make slips from No 1 to 100 and put them in the bowl.
      Since this game is to be played during april fool day so No. 1 is very important.
      All the players should sit in a circle.
      The game is to be played just like passing the parcel.
      Put on some music and start passing the bowl.
      As the music stops, the player who is holding that bowl will take out one slip.
      If the no. is having 1 in it (for ex. Nos. can be 1,11,21,31,41,51,61,71,81,91 to 10) means that player is SAFE and can continue the game.
      if it is not 1 i.e the above mentioned nos. than that player is OUT.
      Everyone has to put the slip back till five players are left who will considered as winners.

      • Superb ideas..I wish you had sent me these ideas before..I would have included them in the post. Anyways thank you so much for sharing your ideas. Do send me more ideas in mail and I will post them in the blog.

    • Give blank paper and pens to all ladies and ask them to write there full name on the paper as many times as they can in one minute. And after one minute stop writing and just pass your sheet to the left side fourth member. In this way all ladies will receive the sheet of another member. Now look for the lady on whose sheet maximum times name written. Prize will go to the lady having the sheet instead of the lady who wrote it.in dis way u hv 2 fool them.

    • Give matchbox to all the ladies.they hv 2 write april fool with the matchstics maximum times in 1 minute.whosoevr writes least times vl b the winner..

    • Hey Anshu it is a simple game. You can keep any dividends you want. Its just like after every dividend ask the claimant to take out a slip and she will give her gift to whatever comes in the slip. Do let me know if yu still have some doubts.


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